In solidity we can use wei, finney, szabo or ether as a suffix to a literal to be used to convert various ether based denominations. Lowest unit is wei and 1e12 represents 1 x 1012.
assert(1 wei == 1); assert(1 szabo == 1e12); assert(1 finney == 1e15); assert(1 ether == 1e18); assert(2 ether == 2000 fenny);
Similar to currency, Solidity has time units where lowest unit is second and we can use seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks as suffix to denote time.
assert(1 seconds == 1); assert(1 minutes == 60 seconds); assert(1 hours == 60 minutes); assert(1 day == 24 hours); assert(1 week == 7 days);