If you want to limit the code to run only on the server or the client side, you can use the following code −
if (Meteor.isClient) { // Code running on client... } if (Meteor.isServer) { // Code running on server... }
You can limit the code to run only when the app is using Cordova bundling.
if (Meteor.isCordova) { // Code running on Cordova... }
Some plugins need to wait until the server and DOM are ready. You can use the following code to wait until everything begins.
Meteor.startup(function () { // Code running after platform is ready... });
Following table lists some other core API methods.
Sr.No. | Method & Details |
1 | Meteor.wrapAsync(function) Used for wrapping asynchronous code and convert it into synchronous. |
2 | Meteor.absoluteUrl([path], [options]) Used for generating absolute URL pointing to the app. |
3 | Meteor.settings Used for setting deployment configuration. |
4 | Meteor.publish(name, function) Used for publishing records to the client. |