Employee Motivation - Importance


By now it is understood that, employees are pivotal to the evolution and growth of an organization and play an important role in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

The importance of motivating employees is second to none in an organization. Employees’ motivation is quite useful and beneficial in a number of ways for the organization. The importance and the benefits of Employee Motivation is as follows −

Role of Human Resource

An organization is essentially built upon three basic edifices like physical, financial and human resources. Motivating the employees, who constitute the human resource of an organization, is essential for effective functioning of the organization.

Human Resource

Increase Efficiency

Proper and timely motivation of employees help increase the productivity and efficiency of employees. When employees are motivated they bring energy and speed to the functioning of an organization constitutes motivation in employees can lead to −

  • Increase in Production
  • Reduction in cost of operations
  • Improvising the overall efficiency

Organization Goal Achievement

Motivation is the important factor for achieving the organizational goals. This goals can be achieved with the following factors −

  • Effective and efficient utilization of resources

  • Congenial and better work environment with better cooperation among the employees while working towards realizing organizational goals

  • Employee are to be objective oriented in achieving goals

  • Good coordination the employees and the management

Enduring Relationship

When employees are highly motivated they show a great deal of satisfaction in working for the organization. The management or the employees should attempt to strike a cordial relationship with the employees by providing certain possible financial and nonfinancial motivators as discussed above.

Workforce Stability

Workplace and workforce stability is very important aspect of any organization. It will project the goodwill and the reputation of the organization. Being loyal to the organization and utilizing the skills and being efficient towards their respective work the employees can write success after success for the organization they work for. Hence, employee motivation is very important.

Mick Mount and Ning Li, management and organization professors, said if an employee is an ambitious, go-getting extrovert whose high-order goal in life is status, then it will be hard for an employer to motivate the employee, if he or she works in a repetitive job with no advancement opportunity.

On the contrary, they said in case an employee is a shy, retiring type who wants autonomy, he or she will not be motivated to better performance only by promising a promotion because the last thing he or she wants is he/she doesn’t like to be in charge of other people.

"The implication for businesses, then, is that we first need to understand which goals matter to employees and then match those goals to characteristics of jobs so we can make work more meaningful and intrinsically motivating to the person," Mount said.
