Elasticsearch - Tag Clouds


A tag cloud represents text which are mostly keywords and metadata in a visually appealing form. They are aligned in different angles and represented in different colours and font sizes. It helps in finding out the most prominent terms in the data. The prominence can be decided by one or more factors like frequency of the term, uniquness of the tag or based on some weightage attached to specific terms etc. Below we see the steps to create a Tag Cloud.


In Kibana Home screen, we find the option name Visualize which allows us to create visualization and aggregations from the indices stored in Elasticsearch. We choose to add a new visualization and select Tag Cloud as the option shown below −

Tag Cloud Visualize

Choose the Metrics

The next screen prompts us for choosing the metrics which will be used in creating the Tag Cloud. Here we choose the count as the type of aggregation metric. Then we choose productname field as the keyword to be used as tags.

Tag Cloud Metrics

The result shown here shows the pie chart after we apply the selection. Please note the shades of the colour and their values mentioned in the label.

Tag Cloud Result

Tag Cloud Options

On moving to the options tab under Tag Cloud we can see various configuration options to change the look as well as the arrangement of data display in the Tag Cloud. In the below example the Tag Cloud appears with tags spread across both horizontal and vertical directions.

Tag Cloud Options