Drupal - Triggers & Actions


In this chapter, we will learn about Triggers and Actions in Drupal. First let's look into Triggers.

It can be defined as changes happening within your site. The actions can be carried out either after creating a new content or any page.


Following are the steps that will help you use triggers in Drupal.

Step 1 − First click Modules from the menu bar.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 2 − When you click Modules, you get the following page.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Here enable Trigger module. Then click Save Configuration at the bottom of the page.

Step 3 − Go back to the Trigger module and click Configure on the right side of the page as shown in the following image.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 4 − When you click Configure, you get the following page.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

We have different tabs on the page that specify each trigger.

Comment Module − You can assign action to only those triggers relating to comment module.

Node Module − You can assign action to those triggers relating to Node module.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

System Module − You can assign action to only those triggers relating to System module.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Taxonomy Module − You can trigger actions to the Taxonomy module.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

User Module − At last we have the user module, here actions must be assigned in User module.

Drupal Triggers and Actions


Tasks carried on a particular system object are called actions.

Step 1 − Click Configuration from the menu bar.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 2 − Click on Actions from the system section.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 3 − When you click Actions, you get the following page.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 4 − Select any one action from the dropdown and click Create.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Step 5 − When you choose an option and click Create, The following page appears.

Drupal Triggers and Actions

Following are the option fields present on the page −

  • Label − Give a name to your action

  • Recipient − Enter your email address

  • Subject − Enter a subject you want to add to the action

  • Message − Enter the message you want to send to the visitor when clicked on any action.

After filling all the details, click Save.

Step(6) − You can see that your action is added to the list.

Drupal Triggers and Actions