Drupal - Setup Discounts


In general, discount is a amount or percentage deducted from the normal selling price of the product. It is the way of offering products for sale at a low or reduced price.

You can specify the discount for the products as defined in the below steps−

Step 1 − Go to Store and click Configuration.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 2 − Click on the Taxes link which manages tax rates and types.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 3 − Go to TAX TYPES tab and click the Add a tax type link.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 4 − Tax types categorize tax rates and specify whether or not the calculated tax should be included in product prices on display.

Drupal Setup Discounts

It contains some fields such as −

  • Title − It specifies the title of tax type.

  • Display title − It is the front-end display of the title of tax type shown to customers.

  • Description − It describes the tax type if necessary.

  • Tax amount rounding mode − Specifies what type of rounding should occur when tax rates of tax type are calculated for the unit price of a line item.

After filling all the details, click the Save tax type button.

Step 5 − Go to TAX RATES tab and click the Add a tax rate link.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 6 − It will open the taxes window for adding tax rate to the product as shown in the following screen.

Drupal Setup Discounts

It contains some fields such as −

  • Title − It is the title of the tax rate.

  • Display title − It is the front-end display title of the tax rate shown to customers.

  • Description − It is used to describe the tax rate.

  • Rate − It is a percentage used to calculate the tax which is expressed as a decimal.

  • Type − It selects the tax type for the tax rate using drop-down menu.

After filling the details, click the Save tax rate button.

Step 7 − Once tax rate is saved, click the Home link.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 8 − On the home page, click the Checkout link to see the shopping cart contents.

Drupal Setup Discounts

Step 9 − On the checkout page, you will see the discount for the product which is included in product price.

Drupal Setup Discounts