Drupal - Taxonomies


Taxonomy can be thought of classifying website content which display specific content based on taxonomy terms. Drupal taxonomy is made up of −

  • Term − It is used to manage or describe the content.

  • Vocabulary − It is set of terms.

Following are the steps to work with Drupal Taxonomy −

Step 1 − Go to Structure and click the Taxonomy option.

Drupal Taxonomies

Step 2 − You can create a new vocabulary for Drupal taxonomy by clicking on Add vocabulary link.

Drupal Taxonomies

Step 3 − You will get a screen with Name field for adding name for your vocabulary which is mandatory and Description field is used for adding description for the vocabulary. Click the Save button.

Drupal Taxonomies

Step 4 − Click add terms to add new terms to the created vocabulary as shown in the following screen.

Drupal Taxonomies

Step 5 − The screen shows some fields as seen in the following screen.

Drupal Taxonomies

Following are the details of the fields present in the preceding screen.

  • Name− It specifies name of the term.

  • Description− It is used for adding description for the term.

  • Text format− It provides different types of formats by using dropdown menu.

  • URL alias− It optionally specifies an alternative URL by which this term can be accessed.

  • Relations

    • Parent Terms − In this field, you can set a term as the parent term.

    • Weight − Specifies weight for each term which will then display in ascending order by weight.

After filling all the fields, click the Save button.
