DC.js - Data Count


Data count is used to display the total number of records in the data set. It performs the following two types of count −

  • Total-count − total number of records.

  • Filter-count − number of records matched by the current filters.

Data Count Methods

Before moving on to use a data count, we should understand the dc.dataCount class and its methods. The dc.dataCount class uses a mixin to get the basic functionality of displaying a data count, which is −

  • dc.baseMixin

The dc.dataCount gets all the methods of this mixin and has its own method to show the data count as explained below −

formatNumber( [formatter])

This method is used to get or set a format for the filter count and the total count.

html( [options])

It is used get or set the HTML templates to show the number of selected items.

For example

counter.html ({
   all: 'HTML template to use if all items are selected'

Here, ‘all’ is used to select all the items using the %total-count. If we want to only use some of the items, then we can use some records using %filter-count option.

Data count example

Let us perform the data count in DC. To do this, we need to follow the steps given below −

Step 1: Add styles

Let us add styles in the CSS using the coding given below −

.dc-chart { font-size: 12px; }

Here, we have assigned styles for the chart.

Step 2: Create a variable

Let us create a variable in DC as shown below −

var barChart = dc.barChart('#line'); 
var countChart = dc.dataCount("#mystats");

Here, we have assigned a barChart variable id in line, whereas the countChart id is mystats.

Step 3: Read the data

Read the data from the people.csv file as shown below −

d3.csv("data/people.csv", function(errors, people) {
   var mycrossfilter = crossfilter(people);

If the data is not present, then it returns an error. Now, assign the data to a crossfilter.

Here, we are using the people.csv file, which was used in our previous charting examples. It looks as shown below −



Step 4: Set the dimension

You can set the dimension using the coding given below −

// age dimension
var ageDimension = mycrossfilter.dimension(function(data) { 
   return ~~((Date.now() - new Date(data.DOB)) / (31557600000)) 

After the dimension has been assigned, group the age using the coding given below −

var ageGroup = ageDimension.group().reduceCount();

Step 5: Generate a chart

Now, generate a bar chart using the coding given below −



  • We have assigned the chart width as 400 and height as 200.
  • Next, we have specified the domain range as [15,70].
  • We have set the x-axis label as age and y-axis label as count.
  • We have specified the elasticY and X function as true.

Step 6: Create and render the count chart

Now, create and render the count chart using the coding below −



Here, we have assigned the dimension to a crossfilter variable. Finally, group all the records based on the age.

Step 7: Working example

The complete code is as follows. Create a web page datacount.html and add the following changes to it.

      <title>DC datacount sample</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css/bootstrap.css" />
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "css/dc.css" />
         .dc-chart { font-size: 12px; }

      <script src = "js/d3.js"></script>
      <script src = "js/crossfilter.js"></script>
      <script src = "js/dc.js"></script>
         <div style = "width: 600px;">
            <div id = "mystats" class = "dc-data-count" style = "float: right">
               <span class = "filter-count"></span> selected out of <span
                  class = "total-count"></span> | <a href = "javascript:dc.filterAll();
                  dc.renderAll();">Reset All</a>

         <div style = "clear: both; padding-top: 20px;">
               <div id = "line"></div>

      <script language = "javascript">
         var barChart = dc.barChart('#line'); // , 'myChartGroup');
         var countChart = dc.dataCount("#mystats");

         d3.csv("data/people.csv", function(errors, people) {
            var mycrossfilter = crossfilter(people);

            // age dimension
            var ageDimension = mycrossfilter.dimension(function(data) { 
               return ~~((Date.now() - new Date(data.DOB)) / (31557600000)) 
            var ageGroup = ageDimension.group().reduceCount();




Now, request the browser and we will see the following response.

Data count initial page is shown below.

After selecting a particular age, it shows the counts as shown in the screenshot below.

Data Count