Tesults - Test Runs for Manual Testing


Test runs are used to conduct manual testing. Click ‘runs’ from the menu to access test runs.

Manual Testing

Create a test run

First thing to do is create a test run. Click ‘Create new test run’ and then enter a name for your test run and confirm to create.

The name here is a temporary name. By default, Tesults sets it to the current date and time. The name is used to come back to a test run later on or share a test run with other team members to work on at the same time.

Temporary Name

After confirming the new test run is created and it will be empty.

Empty Name

Adding test cases

To add a test case manually click add new case. Now, you can add test case details including −

  • Name
  • Result
  • Suite
  • Parameters
  • Description
  • Files (upload test case related files)
  • Custom Fields
Adding Test Cases

Save the case and you will see that it is added to the test run.

Importing test cases from a List

You can also add test cases from a test list (see previous section for creating test lists). This is the most efficient way to add test cases because for each new test run you can use your existing test cases.

Click Import Cases and then select a test list from the dropdown list and click Import.

Import Test Cases

Editing test cases

To edit a test case, click it to open up test case details.

Click ‘edit’ from the footer.

Editing Test Cases

Open Test Cases

Deleting test cases

You can delete a test case in the same way. Select it and click ‘delete’ from the footer.

Assigning test cases to team members

By default, test cases are unassigned and all test cases are shown from the list. Change test cases shown to a specific team member by changing the dropdown list from ‘All’ to a team member’s name.

Once a team member is selected, including yourself, you can assign test cases to specific people. A new ‘Assign’ button appears. Click it and the test run will change to display all test cases with indicators showing whether the test case is assigned to the currently selected person, or is unassigned or is assigned to someone else.

Deleting Test Cases

Now, you can click a test case to assign it to the currently selected team member, and click again to unassign. Click ‘Done’ once you are finished.

Done Test Cases

Having ‘All’ selected will continue to display all test cases, and selecting a team member will display what test cases are assigned to that individual.

All Test Cases

Marking test cases as done

By default, all test cases in the test run are marked as incomplete. This means that they need to be worked on. To indicate that test case has been completed, select the test case and from the footer click ‘Mark Done’.

Marking Test Cases

At the top of the test, run the percentage of completed test cases is displayed along with the number that are assigned to team members.

Assigned Test Cases

Marking test cases as done makes it easy to keep track of which test cases have been looked at and understand the progress of the run.

Submitting manual results

After all test cases in the run have been marked as complete, the ‘Submit Test Run’ button is enabled and you can click it to submit results to one of your project targets.

Submit Test Run

Choose the appropriate target from the dropdown list and click ‘Submit Results’.

Submit Results

Since automated test runs may be by submitting results to particular targets, you may want to create separate targets for manual test runs, otherwise, historical data and comparisons will break and cause confusion.

It may be better in some cases not to submit results if the test run is for internal use with a test team and not for wider use. Simply view the test run within the team and then create a new test run to start a new one.

If you have created targets specifically for manual test runs, then submitting results is a good idea. After submitting you can click ‘results’ from the menu bar to view results.
