Tesults - Team Members


You can add team members to your project so that others can login and view results. Also, you need to add team members if you want to assign test case failures to specific people to investigate, review results and add bug links and to comment on test cases.

Adding team members

Click ‘Config’ from the menu bar and then click ‘Team Members’.

Add team members individually by providing their email address and click ‘Add’. Or add in bulk using a CSV file.

An invitation is sent to the email address you have added.

Team Members

You can also remove team members here and change their role.

Team member roles

There are five team member roles. When a new team member is added they are automatically level 1 − Member. This role can view results.

If you want a team member to be able to manage test cases they must be changed to level 2 − Moderator.

The next role, level 3 − Administrator can also manage the project such as adding targets.

The next role, level 4 − Officer can also edit the project plan details and payment information.

Level 5 is the project owner; this will be you if you created the project. This role is the only one that can delete the project.
