TestRail - To Do & Notifications


Once a test case or test run is assigned to a user, it appears on the user’s to-do list. Every user has its own to-do list for each project he is assigned. Dashboard provides a quick view of user's to-do task for all projects. Todo section can be used to view the to-do list of other team members or the entire team as well. It provides an easy way to see the workloads and progress of individual team member.

Following screenshot displays the overview of Todo page

Overview of Todo Page
  • In the right side menu, user can select users name as well as status of Test cases to filter out individual to do list and progress of different team members.


Email notification is one of the attractive features of TestRail. It notifies to assigned user about test changes or test results made by other users. For example, if a test has been assigned to a user and another user adds a comment or result to the test, the assigned user is notified by email.

It is also possible to subscribe to tests of other users or even entire runs by clicking the small email icons on the relevant pages.

Following screenshot shows how to subscribe email notification those are assigned to other users

Subscribe Email Notification

Enable Notification

To enable email notification, user should have Administration Permission.

Following steps should follow while enabling the notification

  • Go to the main Dashboard and click on the Administration present at right side as shown in below screenshot

Administration Present
  • Navigate to Users & Roles section and click on one of users name whose email notification need to enable.

Enable Notification
  • In the user tab, email notification checkbox is present. By checking the checkbox enables the notification while unchecking it will disable the notification

Disable Notification
  • After that click on Save User button present at down of the page.
