TestRail - Dashboard


Dashboard is the first page that a user can see after logging into TestRail,. Dashboard is customized by the Admin. Based on roles, admin can set the access of TestRail. The Admin even has right to change colors and logo of TestRail account.

Points to Note

There are 2 parts of Dashboard − the first one is generic dashboard where all projects are listed and another one is project specific dashboard.

  • The Navigation Bar present at the bottom of TestRail page, will be same across all pages/screen of TestRail − Create a project, Add cases, Start a Run, Add Results, Invite Users and Set up Integration

  • Dashboard has different links at top right and those are same across all pages − Working on, <User Name> for settings and Logout, Help & Feedback, Email, Twitter and Blog section.

  • In the first half of section, dashboard displays an activity graph of all projects on daily basis. In the next half, it displays all listed projects name. user can navigate to any of project by clicking on name.

Following screenshot displays Dashboard of TestRail


Once user clicks on Project Name (Wires −Basic in above screenshot), it displays Dashboard of Project. The project dashboard is same as main dashboard of TestRail as explained above.

  • The only additional part is navigation bar that provides different functionalities − Overview, to do, Milestones, Test Runs & Results, Test Cases, Reports

  • At the top left, Return to Dashboard link is present. By clicking there, user can navigate to main dashboard section where all project is listed.

  • In the first half of overview section, user can see a graph of daily activities performed in the project.

  • User can go to different Reports section and Edit the project details by clicking on Reports and Edit button.

  • In the next half, user can see test runs and milestones list along with shortcut button to add test runs and milestones for the project.

Following screenshot shows the Dashboard page of the project

Dashboard Of Project

Help & Feedback

TestRail provides many useful ways to interact with users. it has User Guide, Videos, Support Forums, Keyboard Shortcuts etc. User can access blogs, follow on Twitter and can subscribe for Newsletter of Gurock.

These features can be accessed by clicking on Help & Feedback link at Dashboard. Beside the link, there are 3 more icons − Subscribe to Newsletter, follow on Twitter and Learn about TestRail.

Following screenshot displays features of Help & Feedback

Help & Feedback

User Profile

By clicking on the profile name → My settings, user can view his personal profile in edit mode. User can modify following fields

Full Name, Email Addresses, Languages, Locale, Password. After making changes , click on Save Settings to apply all changes.

User Profile

By clicking on Logout, user will get back to login page and won’t able to access project details without logging back in.
