TestRail - Advanced Search Option


TestRail supports search functionality. Text entered into search box (present at upper right corner of the user interface) is treated as Query and after execution of query it displays all searched items as result. TestRail searches through all project entities, such as test cases, runs and suites. TestRail also searches through custom field that have been added to test case and test results. The search test box is present all of the pages.

Following screenshot shows the search functionality

Search Functionality

TestRail supports advanced search functionality as well. User can also just enter the ID of any entity to directly find the specific result. The advance functionality narrows down the search results and provides more specific result. For example, if user wants to view test case#8, user can directly search it by entering C15 into the search box. Similarly, to go to the test suite #1, simply enter S1.

Following screenshot shows advance search functionality of TestRail

Advance Search Functionality

The following entity symbols are supported by TestRail

  • C TestCases
  • M Milestones
  • P Projects
  • R Test Runs
  • S Test Suites
  • T Tests into Test Run

Each entity uses a different symbol in front of the ID and user can see the entities in the user interface on the left side. User can find the ID of an entity before to its title on most pages.

Following screenshot displays how to find entity and ID

ID of An Entity