SAP Webi - Sorts


Sorting can be applied in table on sections, charts to organize the data in a specific order in a Webi report. Default sorting that is applied in a report is from left to right order of objects in Result object of Query Panel.

You have the following Sorting Orders −

Default − This is default order where data is sorted as −

  • Ascending numeric order for numeric data

  • Ascending chronological order on date

  • Chronological order for months

  • Alphabetical order for alphanumeric data

  • Ascending − In this, smallest value at the top to highest value at the bottom. Example − 1000, 2000, 3000, or Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai

  • Descending − In this, highest value at the top to smallest value at the bottom

Custom − Using this, you can define your own sort order. Custom orders are available on dimensions and attributes and not on hierarchies, measures and level.

How to Insert a Sort?

To insert a sort, open report in Design mode. Select the Column you want to sort.

Go to Analysis → Display → Sort → Ascending/Descending

Insert a Sort Sort Design mode

You can apply multiple sorts in a single table on different columns. You can use ‘Remove All Sorts’ option to delete all the sorts.

To manage the Order of Sorts, go to Advance tab. You can define order for all sorts using up and down arrows. You can define Custom Sorts here if no other sort is applied.

Manage Sorts

This can also be used to Add/Remove Sorts.
