SAP Webi - Queries using Universe


You can build queries in the Query panel using various data sources like Universe, BEx from SAP BW or an Analysis view.

Using Universe for Building Queries

Universe contains data from OLAP and Relational data sources. Data in Universe can be a relational data or hierarchical data.

Open Web Intelligence via BI Launchpad → New (Create a new Webi document). You will be prompted to select a Data Source.

Building Queries Using Universe

Select a Universe as data source and click ‘Ok’. You will get a list of all available Universe. Select a Universe, which you want to use to create a Webi document.

Available Universe

A new window will open with the name Query Panel. In the query panel, on the left side of the screen, you have a list of available objects. You have Result Objects where you drag objects from the left panel, which you want to add in a Webi document.

You have Query Filter using which you can add different filters. Data Preview can be used to view data before it is added to Webi document. Run query tab at the top of the screen is used to run the query.

Query Filter

In the Query panel, you have an option using which you can add data from multiple sources in a single Webi document by creating multiple queries.

To add a Query, go to Add query option at the top of the screen. You can select different data sources to add a second query.

Add Query Option

You can also edit the properties of Query, like the name of the query, number of records, etc. ‘View Script’ option allows you to check the script of the query.

Query Properties

Following functions can be set using Query Properties −

Sr.No. Function & Properties

Retrieving duplicate rows

Relational .unx, OLAP, but not available in BEx queries.


Returning sample result sets

Available in relational .unx, but not available in OLAP .unx or BEx queries.


Retrieving/excluding empty rows

Available in OLAP .unx only. Not available in BEx queries.

In this case, you have an option to run multiple queries separately. You can go to Run queries and select the query you want to run. You can also combine queries using the Query Panel.

Run Queries