To confirm Production Order, use T-code: CO15.
You can perform the following activities −
Generate the confirmation document
Consume raw materials or semi-finished goods
Good receipt of the finished goods or semi-finished goods
In the next screen, enter Production Order number and click the tick mark.
In the new window, enter the yield quantity that shows produce quantity to be declared.
Click the Goods Movement button at the top of the screen to confirm the automatic goods movement happening along with confirmation.
In the next window, you will see goods receipt and goods issue of the components.
Auto Goods Receipt (GR), production of material carried out with movement type 101 in the entry.
Auto Goods Issue (GI), consumption of components carried out using movement type 261 in the entry.
Click the save button at the top of the screen and you will get a confirmation message.
It will show a number of successful goods movement and failed count.