SAP HANA Admin - Recovery HANA System


To recover SAP HANA database, the database needs to shut down. Hence, during recovery, the end users or SAP applications cannot access the database.

Recovery of SAP HANA database is required in the following situations −

  • A disk in the data area is unusable or a disk in the log area is unusable.

  • As a consequence of a logical error, the database needs to be reset to its state at a particular point in time.

  • You want to create a copy of the database.

How to Recover a HANA System?

Choose HANA system → Right-click → Back and Recovery → Recover System.


Types of Recovery in HANA System

Most Recent State − Used for recovering the database to the time as close as possible to the current time. For this recovery, the data backup and log backup have to be available since the last data backup and the log area is required to perform the above type recovery.

Point in Time − Used for recovering the database to the specific point in time. For this recovery, the data backup and log backup have to be available, since last data backup and the log area are required to perform the above type of recovery.

Specific Data Backup − Used for recovering the database to a specified data backup. Specific data backup is required for the above type of recovery option.

Specific Log Position − This recovery type is an advanced option that can be used in exceptional cases where a previous recovery failed.
