In this chapter, we will understand how a Plugin can be uploaded to expand the functionality of the site. Plugins can be used to make your work easier.
To install plugin using command line, you first need to install the lessc plugin. The plugin can be installed using less-plugin at the beginning. The following command line will help you install the clean-css plugin −
npm install less-plugin-clean-css
Directly, you can use the installed plugin by using the following command −
lessc --plugin = path_to_plugin = options
In Node, the plugin is required and it is pass in an array as an option plugin to the less.
var pluginName = require("pluginName"); less.render(myCSS, { plugins: [pluginName] }) .then(function(output) { }, function(error) { });
Before the less.js script, the plugin author should include the javascript file in the page.
<script src = "plugin.js"></script> <script> less = { plugins: [plugin] }; </script> <script src = "less.min.js"></script>
The following table lists out the plugins available in LESS.
Sr.No. | Plugins & Description |
1 | Autoprefixer
It is used to add prefixes to CSS after translation from LESS. |
2 | CSScomb
It helps to improve the maintenance of your stylesheet. |
3 | clean-css
It minifies the CSS output from LESS. |
4 | CSSWring
It compresses or minify the CSS output from LESS. |
5 | css-flip
It is used to generate the CSS from left-to-right(LTR) or right-to-left(RTL). |
6 | functions
It writes the function of LESS in the LESS itself. |
7 | glob
It is used to import multiple files. |
8 | group-css-media-queries
It does the post-processing for Less. |
9 | inline-urls
Automatically converts the URL to data uri. |
10 | npm-import
It imports from npm package for less. |
11 | pleeease
It is used to postprocess Less. |
12 | rtl
LESS is reversed from ltr(left-to-right) to rtl(right-to-left). |
Sr.No. | Importers & Description |
1 | Bootstrap
Bootstrap LESS code is imported before the custom LESS code. |
2 | Bower Resolve
LESS files are imported from the Bower packages. |
3 | Cardinal CSS for less.js
Before the custom LESS code, the LESS code for Cardinal is imported. |
4 | Flexbox Grid
Most commonly imported Framework or library importer. |
5 | Flexible Grid System
It imports the Flexible Grid System. |
6 | Ionic
It imports the ionic framework. |
7 | Lesshat
It imports the Lesshat mixins. |
8 | Skeleton
It imports the skeleton less code. |
Sr.No. | Importers & Description |
1 | advanced-color-functions
It is used to find more contrasting colors. |
2 | cubehelix
Using gamma correction value of 1, the cubehelix function can return a color between the two colors. |
3 | lists
This lists manipulation functions library. |
LESS allow an author to combine with less.
{ install: function(less, pluginManager) { }, setOptions: function(argumentString) { }, printUsage: function() { }, minVersion: [2, 0, 0] }
pluginManager provides a holder which can add file managers, post processors or visitors.
setOptions function passes the string.
printUsage function is used to explain the options.