LESS supports some of the UI/Theme frameworks as listed in the following table −
Sr.No. | Framework & Description |
1 | 1pxdeep
It is flat Bootstrap 3 theme that provides powerful color scheme controls. |
2 | Bootflat
It is an open-source framework based on Bootstrap. |
3 | BootPress
It is a PHP framework based on flat file CMS |
4 | Bootstrap
It is powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. |
5 | Bootstrap a11y theme
It provides easy accessibility for web development. |
6 | Bootswatch
It is an open-source theme that provides free themes for Bootstrap. |
7 | Cardinal
It is mobile-first CSS framework that allows maintaining CSS for responsive websites, user interfaces, and applications. |
8 | CSSHorus
It is a library that provides easy development of mobile websites. |
9 | Flat UI Free
It is based on Bootstrap 3 which contains basic and complex components and provides theme design for Bootstrap. |
10 | frontsize
It is a frontend framework that contains a set of tools to build widgets. |
11 | InContent It specifies the description of the image using CSS3 and SASS/LESS. |
12 | Ink
It creates responsive web interfaces. |
13 | JBST
It is powerful theme framework used for creating child themes for WordPress and used as standalone website builder. |
It is used to develop HTML/CSS projects by using responsive and extensible style sheets. |
15 | Kube
It is CSS framework used for professional designers and developers. |
16 | Metro UI CSS
It is a frontend framework used for creating Windows Metro Style on the projects. |
17 | Pre
It is CSS framework that uses LESS. |
18 | prelude
It is frontend CSS framework that uses LESS. |
19 | Schema
It is a light and responsive framework which helps to build complex websites. |
20 | Semantic UI
It is a user interface framework that creates responsive layouts using HTML. |
21 | UIkit
It is a frontend framework which includes HTML, CSS, and JS components and easy to use and develop web applications. |
22 | ngBoilerplate It is grunt based build system used for AngularJS projects. |
23 | less-rail
It is a dynamic stylesheet language that uses Less.js for Rails projects. |
24 | Wee
It is a frontend framework which contains HTML, CSS and JavaScript bootstrap components for developing responsive web projects. |
LESS supports grid systems frameworks as listed in the following table −
Sr.No. | Framework & Description |
1 | Flexible Grid System
It is a CSS framework which creates web projects in a flexible way. |
2 | adaptGrid
It is a responsive grid system for developing web applications. |
3 | Fluidable
It is lightweight responsive grid system based on LESS preprocessor. |
4 | Golden Grid System
It is grid system for responsive design. |
5 | LESS Zen Grid
It is used for solving sub pixel rounding issue. |
6 | Order.less
It is a LESS library used for alignment, grid system and modular scales. |
7 | responsibly
It is a customizable and standalone grid system. |
8 | Responsive Boilerplate
It is a lightweight grid system used to create responsive web design for the sites. |
9 | Semantic.gs
It is the default distribution of web browser to its operating system. |
LESS provides mixin libraries as listed in the following table −
Sr.No. | Framework & Description |
1 | 3L
It provides newest CSS3 features for LESS preprocessor. |
2 | animate
It is a library used for browser animations used in the projects. |
3 | Clearless
It uses reusable LESS mixins without destroying the style and creating excessive size in stylesheets. |
4 | Css3LessPlease
It converts css3please.com to LESS mixins and element will get instant changes when you run the CSS. |
5 | CssEffects
It provides CSS style effects written as LESS mixins. |
6 | Cssowl
It is a mixin library which supports for LESS, SASS and Stylus. |
7 | cube.less
It is a 3D animated cube created using only CSS. |
8 | tRRtoolbelt.less
It is a library which provides mixins and functions for performing actions on LESS files. |
9 | est
It is based on LESS which allows to write LESS code more efficiently. |
10 | Hexagon
It creates CSS hexagons with size and color. |
11 | homeless
It is a mixin library that contains helpful functions for the Less.js. |
12 | LESS Elements It is a collection of mixins for the LESS preprocessor. |
13 | LESS Hat
It is a mixin library which helps in exporting CSS for all browsers and creates number of shadows, gradients and animations etc. |
14 | lessley
It is testing suite which is written in LESS. |
15 | LESS-bidi
It is a collection of LESS mixins which provides bi-directional styling without duplication of code. |
16 | LESS-Mix It is a mixin library written in LESS. |
17 | media-query-to-type
It is used for creating media queries which allows Internet Explorer 8 and below versions to access the content. |
18 | More-Colors.less
It provides variables for color manipulation while designing web applications. |
19 | more-less
It is a library which allows to write CSS code for cross browser compatibility. |
20 | More.less
It is a combination of Compass and Twitter Bootstrap which provides more to LESS by using CSS3 and cross browser mixins. |
21 | more-or-less
It provides powerful mixins for less.js. |
22 | normalize.less
It provides normalized CSS using LESS. |
23 | Oban
It is a collection of mixins which speeds up the development process of the web application. |
24 | Preboot
It is a set of LESS services that uses mixins and variables for writing better CSS and is formed from the Bootstrap. |
25 | prelude-mixins
It is a LESS mixin library. |
26 | Shape.LESS
It provides a number of mixins for specifying various shapes for the application. |