Parametric mixins use one or more parameters that extend functionality of LESS by taking arguments and its properties to customize the mixin output when mixed into another block.
For instance, consider a simple LESS code snippet −
.border(@width; @style; @color) { border: @width @style @color; } .myheader { .border(2px; dashed; green); }
Here we are using the parametric mixin as .border with three parameters - width, style and color. Using these parameters, you can customize the mixin output with the passed parameters value.
The following table describes the different types of parametric mixins along with description.
Sr.No. | Types & Description |
1 | Mixins with Multiple Parameters
Parameters can be separated using commas or semicolon. |
2 | Named Parameters
Mixins provide parameter values instead of positions by using their names. |
3 | @arguments Variable
When a mixin is called, the @arguments include all the passed arguments. |
4 | Advanced Arguments and the @rest Variable
Mixin takes variable number of arguments by using ..... |
5 | Pattern-matching
Change the behavior of mixin by passing parameters to it. |