Fractions that have exact same denominators are called like fractions.
Fractions such as $\frac{1}{5}$ and $\frac{4}{5}$ are like fractions because they have a common denominator 5.
In other words, fractions with like denominators are categorized as like fractions. Performing any mathematical operations on like fractions is comparatively easier as we can make use of the common denominator for fraction operations like addition and subtraction.
If fractions with same denominators are to be added, we need to add the numerators only and keep the same denominator.
If fractions with same denominators are to be subtracted, we need to subtract the numerators only and keep the same denominator.
Add $\frac{3}{7}$ + $\frac{2}{7}$
Step 1:
Here, the denominators are the same 7. We add the numerators 3 + 2 = 5 and put the result 5 over the common denominator 7 to get the answer.
$\frac{3}{7}$ + $\frac{2}{7}$ = $\frac{(3+2)}{7}$ = $\frac{5}{7}$
Step 2:
So, $\frac{3}{7}$ + $\frac{2}{7}$ = $\frac{5}{7}$
Subtract $\frac{5}{6}$ − $\frac{4}{6}$
Step 1:
Here, the denominators are the same 6. We subtract the numerators; 5 − 4 = 1 and put the result 1 over the common denominator to get the answer.
$\frac{5}{6}$ − $\frac{4}{6}$ = $\frac{(5-4)}{6}$ = $\frac{1}{6}$
Step 2:
So, $\frac{5}{6}$ − $\frac{4}{6}$ = $\frac{1}{6}$