YAML - Flow Mappings


Flow mappings in YAML represent the unordered collection of key value pairs. They are also called as mapping node. Note that keys should be maintained unique. If there is a duplication of keys in flow mapping structure, it will generate an error. The key order is generated in serialization tree.


An example of flow mapping structure is shown below −

%YAML 1.1
   uuid: 8a8cbf60-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
   name: On formally undecidable propositions of  Principia Mathematica and related systems I.
   author: Kurt Gödel.
   - tag:
      uuid: 98fb0d90-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
      name: Mathematics
   - tag:
      uuid: 3f25f680-e068-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
      name: Logic

The output of mapped sequence (unordered list) in JSON format is as shown below −

   "paper": {
      "uuid": "8a8cbf60-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
      "name": "On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I.",
      "author": "Kurt Gödel."
   "tags": [
         "tag": {
            "uuid": "98fb0d90-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
            "name": "Mathematics"
         "tag": {
            "uuid": "3f25f680-e068-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
            "name": "Logic"

If you observe this output as shown above, it is observed that the key names are maintained unique in YAML mapping structure.
