Canvas is used for providing drawing areas. The syntax for canvas widget is shown below −
canvas canvasName options
The options available for the canvas widget are listed below in the following table −
Sr.No. | Syntax & Description |
1 | -background color Used to set background color for widget. |
2 | -closeenough distance Sets the closeness of mouse cursor to a displayable item. The default is 1.0 pixel. This value may be a fraction and must be positive. |
3 | -scrollregion boundingBox The bounding box for the total area of this canvas. |
4 | -height number Used to set height for widget. |
5 | -width number Sets the width for widget. |
6 | -xscrollincrement size The amount to scroll horizontally when scrolling is requested. |
7 | -yscrollincrement size The amount to scroll vertically when scrolling is requested. |
A simple example for canvas widget is shown below −
#!/usr/bin/wish canvas .myCanvas -background red -width 100 -height 100 pack .myCanvas
When we run the above program, we will get the following output −
The list of the available widgets for drawing in canvas is listed below −
Sr.No. | Widget & Description |
1 | Line
Draws a line. |
2 | Arc
Draws an arc. |
3 | Rectangle
Draws a rectangle. |
4 | Oval
Draws an oval. |
5 | Polygon
Draws a polygon. |
6 | Text
Draws a text. |
7 | Bitmap
Draws a bitmap. |
8 | Image
Draws an image. |
An example using different canvas widgets is shown below −
#!/usr/bin/wish canvas .myCanvas -background red -width 200 -height 200 pack .myCanvas .myCanvas create arc 10 10 50 50 -fill yellow .myCanvas create line 10 30 50 50 100 10 -arrow both -fill yellow -smooth true -splinesteps 2 .myCanvas create oval 50 50 100 80 -fill yellow .myCanvas create polygon 50 150 100 80 120 120 100 190 -fill yellow -outline green .myCanvas create rectangle 150 150 170 170 -fill yellow .myCanvas create text 170 20 -fill yellow -text "Hello" -font {Helvetica -18 bold} .myCanvas create bitmap 180 50 -bitmap info
When we run the above program, we will get the following output −