SoapUI - JDBC Connection


SoapUI allows managing database operation using a TestStep called JDBC Request.

Step 1 − Right-click on TestStep and select Add Step → JDBC Request.

JDBC Request

Step 2 − Enter the step name and click OK.

New Step

JDBC Step is added. Double-click step, and the JDBC wizard will open.

JDBC Wizard

To create a JDBC connection, the user needs to provide valid Driver and Connection String. These parameters are used to identify the type of database and create a connection to use the database.

For MySQL, database driver can be com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. Similarly, for other database, there is a predefined driver that can be found by the document section of the database.

Step 3 − Connection String should be in the following format −


Here, property is the username and password along with other parameters required to connect with a database.

For example,


Step 4 − Click Test Connection. On successful connection, it will display SUCCESS otherwise provide the details of failure.

Test Connection