SAP Dashboards - Chart Components


In a Data model, charts are used to perform comparisons, value analysis, and trend summary of data from data source. There are different charts options available for multiple purposes. The following screenshot shows what all options are there in the charts folder.

Charts Folder

In this section, we will discuss regarding the different types of charts that are available in SAP Dashboards.

Area Chart

This is a standard chart with a horizontal and vertical axis.

Area Chart

Line Chart

A Line Chart is useful for showing tendency over a period of time. It should be used for continuous data like stock revenues.

Line Chart

Bar and Column Chart

These charts are used to compare one or more items over a specific period of time. Bar and Column Charts are same and the only difference is their orientation.

Bar Column Chart

Combination Chart

This is a combination of column and line chart where the line chart shows the trend line for values.

Combination Chart

Bubble Chart

A Bubble chart is used to compare a group or series of item. On Z axis you represent the item size.

Bubble Chart

Bullet Chart

You can use bullet charts to show a single primary measure on a vertical or a horizontal bar.

Bullet Chart

Pie Chart

It is used to represent the participation of each item of a certain total value in a circular format. The Pie Chart is suitable for models like total revenue by the product line.

Pie Chart Revenue

There are quite a few different types of charts that can be used, some of which are as follows −

  • Radar Chart
  • Sparkline
  • Water Fall Chart
  • XV Chart