SAP Analytics Cloud - Using Filters


The Canvas provides a variety of tools that let you control how the charts on your page behave and are displayed. This allows you to show specific data and provide user with options to select values to display metrics. Like other tools, you can also apply chart filters in SAP Analytics Cloud on complete story, or to charts as well.

Add a Chart Filter

Filters let you focus on a specific set of data. You can apply filters to an entire story, a single page, or a specific chart on a page.

You can select Story Filter from the Tools section of the tool bar. And a filter bar appears under the toolbar.

Filter Bar

In the next step, you have to click on Filter sign and select the Dimension value from drop down list to add to filter. A dialog will appear allowing you to set a filter on selected dimension.

Filter Bars

It shows you all the options that can be selected for that dimension under Filter options.

Filter Options

You also have an option to allow viewers to change/modify the filter selection. You can select check box - “Allow Viewers to modify selections” to enable this.

Filter Selection

When you make the filter selection and click on OK button, your chart values are changed automatically, and selected filter will be shown in Tool bar.

Selected Filter