SAP Analytics Cloud - Admin for Support


You can also configure admin support who can help you to fix any issues that you are not able to solve on your own. At home page of SAP Analytic Cloud application, you have to select Help (?) from the main toolbar and choose Contact Admin.

Admin Support

Next step to select the administrator you want to start a discussion with and select OK.

Admin Supports

The discussion panel opens to a new discussion with your administrator. An invitation to the discussion is sent to their notifications where they can join the discussion and follow up with your issue.

Admin Administrator

You can also navigate to SAP Analytics Cloud community via Help page → Browse Community. You can post or search for any common issues you are facing.

Admin Administrators

This is the direct link for SAP Analytics community page,

Common Issues

You can use Collaboration option to see the list of discussions that you have been invited to. You can start a new discussion at any time by choosing (New Discussion) and inviting specific participants. Only people who have been invited can see the discussion.

Common Discussion