Measuring Outcomes - Factors


Sometimes, a perfectly fine program needs to be modified in order to get different outcomes. As all training programs are outcome-based, Outcome Measurement is one of the most important activities that organizations undertake. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the most important factors of Outcome Measurement.

Measuring the impact of training

Earlier, when the management found that a training is not effective, they used to either stop the training or replace the training team. The recent methods of Measuring Outcomes help identify the areas in which a program requires improvement. The Management has all the right to determine if the services they are paying for is delivering the desired result or not.

Impact Training

Identifying important practices

With the data that you have, now you have the knowledge of the activities that are being pursued. You have the ability to determine which actions can be continued and which can be built upon. With the information you collect, you can determine which activities to continue without any modifications, and which activities to change and replicate in some other form.

Identifying areas of improvement

Many times, a seemingly perfect training regime might fail to excite the trainees, for the simple reason that the participants might not feel any changes coming from the steps taken by the trainer. Also, some participants are forcibly sent to be a part of the training process and they feel there is no scope of improvement in their performances. In such cases, the training program might need slight adjustments.

Proving worth to existing and potential investors

The procedures of funding learning initiatives and Capacity Building has undergone radical changes in the past few years. With the recession and global slowdown of business, the investors are cautious about getting a healthy return on their investments in training their resources.

There has been a marked decline in behavioral changes and an increase in productivity-enhancing training. They are more focused on capacity building, as compared to promoting interpersonal skills. In such a climate, it’s imperative to reciprocate the trust the investors have on you.
