Confirming Training Outcomes


The traditional training method asks the learners to demonstrate their gain from the learning in a simulation environment. With the help of technology, we can move even further now. Instead of a paper-based examination that asks us questions on areas that may or may not be relevant to our job profiles, we now have the option to ask trainees to complete a task in real life and show us if their outcomes have been a success.

Visual Confirmation

In Visual Confirmation, we take a real-life example as a model to determine our learning, which can be aided by visual confirmation through video conferencing. A training manager can now use these videos to access examples of real-life and explain different aspects of working to the trainees.

Visual Confirmation

The managers can now tell how the training can be put to productive usage, that too by referring data procured from a real-time workshop. It not only changes how learning should be made measurable, but also teaches us what areas of the training are basically redundant and can be disposed with.

Social Ownership

The ability to have your concept so clear in any area that you can teach another person too, is often considered as the ultimate proof of your education. Social Learning can help learners educate people, who are at a newer learning stage than themselves, by teaching them how to implement their teachings in real world.

It also helps training managers in understanding which concepts work in the real world and which don’t, so that they can be provided a feasible solution to the issues that their teams face. These methods provide newer ways for employees to train and engage in an interactive manner.

Skill Assessments

A visual assessment of someone’s skill-set might take a longer time, because you have to wait for a scenario where the person has to use the skill-sets that he has learnt in training. That being said, it is the only evaluation method that can give a more accurate picture of an employee’s learning from the training, as opposed to some memory-based evaluation model which depends on asking questions out of a textbook.

The video engagements and real-life assessments help in giving a clear picture of the person’s achievements in the training, and the impact the training had on the organization’s efficiency. For example, a sales team could be observed for their performance before a training, and then they are given training, after which their skills sets are once again evaluated to check if there has been any real improvement.
