Microprocessor - 8085 Instruction Sets


Let us take a look at the programming of 8085 Microprocessor.

Instruction sets are instruction codes to perform some task. It is classified into five categories.

S.No. Instruction & Description
1 Control Instructions

Following is the table showing the list of Control instructions with their meanings.

2 Logical Instructions

Following is the table showing the list of Logical instructions with their meanings.

3 Branching Instructions

Following is the table showing the list of Branching instructions with their meanings.

4 Arithmetic Instructions

Following is the table showing the list of Arithmetic instructions with their meanings.

5 Data Transfer Instructions

Following is the table showing the list of Data-transfer instructions with their meanings.

8085 – Demo Programs

Now, let us take a look at some program demonstrations using the above instructions −

Adding Two 8-bit Numbers

Write a program to add data at 3005H & 3006H memory location and store the result at 3007H memory location.

Problem demo

(3005H) = 14H 
   (3006H) = 89H


14H + 89H = 9DH

The program code can be written like this −

LXI H 3005H   : "HL points 3005H" 
MOV A, M      : "Getting first operand" 
INX H         : "HL points 3006H" 
ADD M         : "Add second operand" 
INX H         : "HL points 3007H" 
MOV M, A      : "Store result at 3007H" 
HLT           : "Exit program" 

Exchanging the Memory Locations

Write a program to exchange the data at 5000M& 6000M memory location.

LDA 5000M   : "Getting the contents at5000M location into accumulator" 
MOV B, A    : "Save the contents into B register" 
LDA 6000M   : "Getting the contents at 6000M location into accumulator" 
STA 5000M   : "Store the contents of accumulator at address 5000M" 
MOV A, B    : "Get the saved contents back into A register" 
STA 6000M   : "Store the contents of accumulator at address 6000M" 

Arrange Numbers in an Ascending Order

Write a program to arrange first 10 numbers from memory address 3000H in an ascending order.

MVI B, 09         :"Initialize counter"      
START             :"LXI H, 3000H: Initialize memory pointer" 
MVI C, 09H        :"Initialize counter 2" 
BACK: MOV A, M    :"Get the number" 
INX H             :"Increment memory pointer" 
CMP M             :"Compare number with next number" 
JC SKIP           :"If less, don’t interchange" 
JZ SKIP           :"If equal, don’t interchange" 
INX H             :"Interchange two numbers" 
SKIP:DCR C        :"Decrement counter 2" 
JNZ BACK          :"If not zero, repeat" 
DCR B             :"Decrement counter 1" 
HLT               :"Terminate program execution" 