MathML - Style


<mstyle> tag is used to make style changes that affect the rendering of its contents.


Here is the simple syntax to use this tag −

<mstyle> expression </mstyle>


Here is the description of all the parameters of this tag −

  • expression − inferred mrow elements.


Here is the description of all the attributes of this tag −

  • scriptlevel − To specify the scriptlevel for the children. Without a sign, it sets scriptlevel to the specified value; With a sign it increments ("+") or decrements ("-") the current value.

  • displaystyle − To specify the displaystyle.

  • scriptsizemultiplier − To specify the multiplier to be used to adjust font size due to changes in scriptlevel.

  • scriptminsize − To specify the minimum font size allowed due to changes in scriptlevel.

  • infixlinebreakstyle − To specify he default linebreakstyle to use for infix operators.

  • decimalpoint − To specify the character used to determine the alignment point within <mstack> and <mtable> columns when the "decimalpoint" value is used to specify the alignment. Default is '.'.


Example 1: Without <mstyle> tag

<math xmlns = "">
      <mo maxsize = "100%"> ( </mo>
         <mi> a </mi> 
         <mi> b </mi> 
      <mo maxsize = "100%"> ) </mo>


( a b )

Example 2: Using <mstyle> tag

<math xmlns = "">
   <mstyle maxsize = "100%">
         <mo> ( </mo>
            <mi> a </mi> 
            <mi> b </mi> 
         <mo> ) </mo>


( a b )