MathML - Overscript


<mover> tag is used to draw overscript. It adds an accent or a limit over an expression.


Here is the simple syntax to use this tag −

<mover> base overscript </mover>


Here is the description of all the parameters of this tag −

  • base − base expression on which the overscript is to be drawn.

  • overscript − overscript.


Here is the description of all the attributes of this tag −

  • accent − If true, over-script is an accent, and is drawn closer to the base expression. If false, over-script is a limit over the base expression. Default is false.

  • align − To specify the alignment of the over-script. Valid are: left, center, and right.

  • class, id, style − Used with stylesheets.

  • href − To specify a hyperlink to a specified uri.

  • mathbackground − To specify the background color. Valid formats are #rgb, #rrggbb and html color names.

  • mathcolor − To specify the text color. Valid formats are #rgb, #rrggbb and html color names.


Let's draw an overscript.

<math xmlns = "">
   <mover accent = "true">    
       <mi> x </mi>    
       <mo> + </mo>    
       <mi> y </mi>    
       <mo> + </mo>    
       <mi> z </mi>    


x + y + z