Materialize provides various special methods to show unobtrusive alerts to the users. Materialize provides a term toast for them. Following is the syntax to show a dialog as a toast.
Materialize.toast(message, displayLength, className, completeCallback);
message − Message to be displayed to the user.
displayLength − Duration of the message after which it will disappear.
className − Style class to be applied to the toast. For example, 'rounded'.
completeCallback − Callback method to be called once toast is dismissed.
For tooltip, Materialize provides the following CSS classes.
Sr.No. | Class Name & Description |
1 | tooltipped Identifies a component to have a tooltip. |
2 | data-position Position of the tooltip; bottom, top, left, or right. |
3 | data-delay Sets the duration of the tooltip after which it will disappear. |
4 | data-tooltip Sets the tooltip contents. |
Following example demonstrates the use of toasts and tooltips.
<html> <head> <title>The Materialize Dialogs Example</title> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1"> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = ""> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = ""> <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script> <script src = ""> </script> <script> function showToast(message, duration) { Materialize.toast(message, duration); } function showToast1(message, duration) { Materialize.toast('<i>'+ message + '</i>', duration); } function showToast2(message, duration) { Materialize.toast(message, duration, 'rounded'); } function showToast3(message, duration) { Materialize.toast('Hello World!', duration, '', function toastCompleted() { alert('Toast dismissed!'); }); } </script> </head> <body class = "container"> <h4>Toasts</h4> <a class = "btn" onclick = "showToast('Hello World!', 3000)">Normal Alert!</a> <a class = "btn" onclick = "showToast1('Hello World!', 3000)">Italic Alert!</a> <a class = "btn" onclick = "showToast2('Hello World!', 3000)">Rounded Alert!</a> <br/><br/> <a class = "btn" onclick = "showToast3('Hello World!', 3000)">Callback Alert!</a> <h4>Tooltips</h4> <a class = "btn tooltipped" data-position = "bottom" data-delay = "50" data-tooltip = "I am in bottom!">Bottom</a> <a class = "btn tooltipped" data-position = "left" data-delay = "50" data-tooltip = "I am in left!">Left</a> <a class = "btn tooltipped" data-position = "right" data-delay = "50" data-tooltip = "I am in right!">Right</a> <a class = "btn tooltipped" data-position = "top" data-delay = "50" data-tooltip = "I am in top!">Top</a> </body> </html>
Verify the result.