JSF - Basic Tags


In this chapter, you will learn about various types of basic JSF tags.

JSF provides a standard HTML tag library. These tags get rendered into corresponding html output.

For these tags you need to use the following namespaces of URI in html node.

   xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 
   xmlns:h = "http://java.sun.com/jsf/html">

Following are the important Basic Tags in JSF 2.0.

S.No Tag & Description
1 h:inputText

Renders a HTML input of type="text", text box.

2 h:inputSecret

Renders a HTML input of type="password", text box.

3 h:inputTextarea

Renders a HTML textarea field.

4 h:inputHidden

Renders a HTML input of type="hidden".

5 h:selectBooleanCheckbox

Renders a single HTML check box.

6 h:selectManyCheckbox

Renders a group of HTML check boxes.

7 h:selectOneRadio

Renders a single HTML radio button.

8 h:selectOneListbox

Renders a HTML single list box.

9 h:selectManyListbox

Renders a HTML multiple list box.

10 h:selectOneMenu

Renders a HTML combo box.

11 h:outputText

Renders a HTML text.

12 h:outputFormat

Renders a HTML text. It accepts parameters.

13 h:graphicImage

Renders an image.

14 h:outputStylesheet

Includes a CSS style sheet in HTML output.

15 h:outputScript

Includes a script in HTML output.

16 h:commandButton

Renders a HTML input of type="submit" button.

17 h:Link

Renders a HTML anchor.

18 h:commandLink

Renders a HTML anchor.

19 h:outputLink

Renders a HTML anchor.

20 h:panelGrid

Renders an HTML Table in form of grid.

21 h:message

Renders message for a JSF UI Component.

22 h:messages

Renders all message for JSF UI Components.

23 f:param

Pass parameters to JSF UI Component.

24 f:attribute

Pass attribute to a JSF UI Component.

25 f:setPropertyActionListener

Sets value of a managed bean's property.
