JBoss Fuse - Issues and Solutions


In this chapter, we will discuss a few known issues that you might encounter while working with Fuse. We will also discuss how you can get over these issues.

Code Changes are not Reflected

Connect to Fuse instance using a client script. Search the bundle for which you are facing an issue, using the following command.

JBossFuse:karaf@root > list|grep <Bundle Description>
For Example:
JBossFuse:karaf@root > list|grep Camel
[ 255] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 60] Fabric8 :: Camel Component (1.0.0.redhat-379)
[ 266] [Active ] [ ] [Started] [ 60] A Camel Spring Route (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)

Note − Bundle ID for the bundle from output of above command and use below command.

JBossFuse:karaf@root > update <bundle id>
JBossFuse:karaf@root > update 266

Bundle not Being Downloaded

It may happen because of the following two reasons −

  • Maven repository not specified
  • Bundle not present in repository

Maven Repository not Specified

Maven is a built tool used for building Fuse artifacts. Fuse first searches in Maven local repository for artifacts, when we issue command to install artifact. So we must let Fuse know where Maven is installed and path of Mavens local repository.

Edit $FUSE_INSTALLATION_DIR/etc/org.ops4j.paxurl.mvn.cfg

Update the following two properties −

  • org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.settings = $M2_HOME/conf /settings.xml
  • org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository = $local_repo

Note − Please change $local_repo with actual path of your local repository mentioned in Mavens settings.xml

Bundle not Present in Repository

If Maven settings are in place but still if you face issues while downloading the bundle, make sure bundles JAR is present at the correct location in Maven Repository.

For Example, if the following bundle is throwing errors while downloading −


We have to check in $M2_REPO/com/tutorialpoint/app/camel-first-app/1.0-SNAPSHOT if actual JAR is present.

Note − $M2_REPO needs to be replaced with actual path of Maven repository we have Fuse configured to use.

Not Able to Login into FMC (Browser based GUI)

Users not Created − If you are getting the following UI but not able to login with a message saying “Failed to log in, Forbidden”.

Users not Created

Check whether you have added users in $FUSE_INSTALLATION_HOME/etc/users.properties

The correct format to add users is −

Username = Password,Role

HAWTIO Port is Different

If you are not even able to get the UI at localhost:8181 in the browser, check if you have mentioned correct port in URL.


Edit the following property in the file to use port you want to access.


AMQ Broker is not working

Make sure that the 61616 port is open and not being currently used by another port. If you want to change the default 61616 port for the same, you can edit it in $FUSE_INSTALLATION_HOME/etc/System.properties

activemq.port = 61616