Framework7 - Overview


Framework7 is a free and open source framework for mobile HTML. It is used for developing hybrid mobile apps or web apps for iOS and Android devices.

Framework7 was introduced in the year 2014. The latest version 1.4.2 was released in February 2016 licensed under MIT.

Why Use Framework7?

  • It is easier to develop apps for iOS and Android.
  • The learning curve for Framework7 is very easy.
  • It has many pre-styled widgets/components.
  • It has built-in helper libraries.


  • Framework7 is an open source and free to use framework.

  • Framework7 has easy and familiar jQuery syntax to get started without any delay.

  • To control click delay for touch UI's, Framework7 has built-in FastClick library.

  • Framework7 has built-in grid system layout for arranging your elements responsively.

  • Framework7 dynamically loads pages from templates via flexible router api.


  • Framework7 is not dependent on any third party library even for DOM manipulation. Instead, it has its own custom DOM7.

  • Framework7 can also be used with Angular and React frameworks.

  • You can start creating apps once you know HTML, CSS and some basic JavaScript.

  • It supports faster development via Bower.

  • It is easy to develop apps for iOS and Android without learning it.


  • Framework7 only supports platforms like iOS and Android.

  • The online community support for Framework7 framework is less compared to iOS and Andriod.
