Autocomplete is a Framework7's mobile friendly and touch optimized component, which can be as dropdown or in standalone way. You can create and initialize Autocomplete instance by using the JavaScript method −
Where parameters are required objects used to initialize the Autocomplete instance.
The following table lists the available Autocomplete parameters in Framework7 −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | openIn It defines how to open an Autocomplete which could be used as dropdown, popup or page. |
string | page |
2 | source It uses autocomplete instance, search query and renders function to pass matched items with array. |
function (autocomplete, query, render) | - |
3 | valueProperty It specifies the item value of matched item object's key. |
string | id |
4 | limit It displays the limited number of items in autocomplete per query. |
number | - |
5 | preloader Preloader can be used to specify autocomplete layout by setting it to true. |
boolean | false |
6 | preloaderColor It specifies the preloader color. By default, the color is "black". |
string | - |
7 | value Defines the array with default selected values. |
array | - |
8 | textProperty It specifies the item value of matched item object's key, which can be used as a title of displayed options. |
string | text |
The following table lists the available Standalone Autocomplete parameters in Framework7 −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | opener It is string or HTML element parameter, which will open the standalone autocomplete page. |
string or HTMLElement | - |
2 | popupCloseText It is used to close the autocomplete popup. |
string | 'Close' |
3 | backText It provides the back link when autocomplete is opened as page. |
string | 'Back' |
4 | pageTitle It specifies the autocomplete page title. |
string | - |
5 | searchbarPlaceholderText It specifies the search bar placeholder text. |
string | 'Search' |
6 | searchbarCancelText It defines the search bar cancel button text. |
string | 'cancel' |
7 | notFoundText It displays the text when there is no matched element found. |
string | 'Nothing found' |
8 | multiple It allows to select multiple selection by setting it to true. |
boolean | false |
9 | navbarTheme It specifies the color theme for navbar. |
string | - |
10 | backOnSelect When the user picks value, the autocomplete will be closed by setting it to true. |
boolean | false |
11 | formTheme It specifies the color theme for form. |
string | - |
The following table lists the available Dropdown Autocomplete parameters in Framework7 −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | input It is string or HTML element used for text input. |
string or HTMLElement | - |
2 | dropdownPlaceholderText It specifies the dropdown placeholder text. |
string | - |
3 | updateInputValueOnSelect You can update the input value on select by setting it to true. |
boolean | true |
4 | expandInput You can expand the text input in List View to make full screen wide during dropdown visible by setting item-input it to true. |
boolean | false |
The below table lists available Dropdown Autocomplete parameters in Framework7 −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | onChange Whenever the autocomplete value is changed, this callback function will be executed. |
function (autocomplete, value) | - |
2 | onOpen Whenever autocomplete is opened, this callback function will be executed. |
function (autocomplete) | - |
3 | onClose Whenever autocomplete is closed, this callback function will be executed. |
function (autocomplete) | - |
The following table lists the available Dropdown Autocomplete parameters in Framework7 −
S.No | Parameters & Description | Type | Default |
1 | navbarTemplate It is standalone autocomplete navbar template. |
string | - |
2 | itemTemplate It is standalone template7 form item. |
string | - |
3 | dropdownTemplate It is template7 dropdown template. |
string | - |
4 | dropdownItemTemplate It is template7 dropdown list item. |
string | - |
5 | dropdownPlaceholderTemplate It is template7 dropdown placeholder item. |
string | - |
Following are the default template code snippets for the above defined templates parameters −
<div class = "navbar {{#if navbarTheme}}theme-{{navbarTheme}}{{/if}}"> <div class = "navbar-inner"> <div class = "left sliding"> {{#if material}} <a href = "#" class = "link {{#if inPopup}}close-popup{{else}}back{{/if}} icon-only"> <i class = "icon icon-back"></i> </a> {{else}} <a href = "#" class = "link {{#if inPopup}}close-popup{{else}}back{{/if}}"> <i class = "icon icon-back"></i> {{#if inPopup}} <span>{{popupCloseText}}</span> {{else}} <span>{{backText}}</span> {{/if}} </a> {{/if}} </div> <div class = "center sliding">{{pageTitle}}</div> {{#if preloader}} <div class = "right"> <div class = "autocomplete-preloader preloader {{#if preloaderColor}} preloader-{{preloaderColor}} {{/if}}"> </div> </div> {{/if}} </div> </div>
<li> <label class = "label-{{inputType}} item-content"> <input type = "{{inputType}}" name = "{{inputName}}" value = "{{value}}" {{#if selected}}checked{{/if}}> {{#if material}} <div class = "item-media"> <i class = "icon icon-form-{{inputType}}"></i> </div> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">{{text}}</div> </div> {{else}} {{#if checkbox}} <div class = "item-media"> <i class = "icon icon-form-checkbox"></i> </div> {{/if}} <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">{{text}}</div> </div> {{/if}} </label> </li>
<div class = "autocomplete-dropdown"> <div class = "autocomplete-dropdown-inner"> <div class = "list-block"> <ul></ul> </div> </div> {{#if preloader}} <div class = "autocomplete-preloader preloader {{#if preloaderColor}} preloader-{{preloaderColor}} {{/if}}"> {{#if material}} {{materialPreloaderHtml}} {{/if}} </div> {{/if}} </div>
<li> <label class = "{{#unless placeholder}}label-radio{{/unless}} item-content" data-value = "{{value}}"> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">{{text}}</div> </div> </label> </li>
<li class = "autocomplete-dropdown-placeholder"> <div class = "item-content"> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">{{text}}</div> </div> </label> </li>
The following table specifies Autocomplete methods available in Framework7 −
S.No | Methods & Description | 1 | myAutocomplete.params Defines the initialization parameters that are passes with object. |
2 | myAutocomplete.value It defines the array with selected values. |
3 | myAutocomplete.opened It opens the Autocomplete if it is set to true. |
4 | myAutocomplete.dropdown It specifies an instance of Autocomplete dropdown. |
5 | myAutocomplete.popup It specifies an instance of Autocomplete popup. |
6 | It specifies an instance of Autocomplete page. |
7 | myAutocomplete.pageData It defines Autocomplete page data. |
8 | myAutocomplete.searchbar It defines Autocomplete searchbar instance. |
The following table specifies Autocomplete methods available in Framework7 −
S.No | Properties & Description |
1 | It opens the Autocomplete, which could be used as dropdown, popup or page. |
2 | myAutocomplete.close() It closes the Autocomplete. |
3 | myAutocomplete.showPreloader() It shows the Autocomplete preloader. |
4 | myAutocomplete.hidePreloader() It hides the Autocomplete preloader. |
5 | myAutocomplete.destroy() It ruins the Autocomplete preloader instance and removes all events. |
The following example demonstrates the use of autocomplete parameters hiding in the Framework7 −
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 1, minimum-scale = 1, user-scalable = no, minimal-ui" /> <meta name = "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content = "yes" /> <meta name = "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content = "black" /> <title>Autocomplete</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" /> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" /> </head> <body> <div class = "views"> <div class = "view view-main"> <div class = "pages"> <div data-page = "home" class = "page navbar-fixed"> <div class = "navbar"> <div class = "navbar-inner"> <div class = "left"> </div> <div class = "center">Autcomplete</div> <div class = "right"> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "page-content"> <div class = "content-block-title">Simple Dropdown Autocomplete</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li class = "item-content"> <div class = "item-title label">Country</div> <div class = "item-input"> <input type = "text" placeholder = "Country" id = "autocomplete-dropdown"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Dropdown With Input Expand</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li class = "item-content"> <div class = "item-title label">Country</div> <div class = "item-input"> <input type = "text" placeholder = "Country" id = "autocomplete-dropdown-expand"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Dropdown With All Values</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li class = "item-content"> <div class = "item-title label">Country</div> <div class = "item-input"> <input type = "text" placeholder = "Country" id = "autocomplete-dropdown-all"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Dropdown With Placeholder</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li class = "item-content"> <div class = "item-title label">Country</div> <div class = "item-input"> <input type = "text" placeholder = "Country" id = "autocomplete-dropdown-placeholder"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Simple Standalone Autocomplete</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li> <a href = "#" id = "autocomplete-standalone" class = "item-link item-content autocomplete-opener"> <input type = "hidden"> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">Favorite Country</div> <div class = "item-after"></div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Popup Standalone Autocomplete</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li> <a href = "#" id = "autocomplete-standalone-popup" class = "item-link item-content autocomplete-opener"> <input type = "hidden"> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">Favorite Country</div> <div class = "item-after"></div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class = "content-block-title">Multiple Values Standalone Autocomplete</div> <div class = "list-block"> <ul> <li> <a href = "#" id = "autocomplete-standalone-multiple" class = "item-link item-content autocomplete-opener"> <input type = "hidden"> <div class = "item-inner"> <div class = "item-title">Favorite Countries</div> <div class = "item-after"></div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script> <script> var myApp = new Framework7(); var $$ = Dom7; var mainView = myApp.addView('.view-main'); // Countries data array var countries = ('India Africa Australia NewZealand England WestIndies Scotland Zimbabwe Srilanka Bangladesh').split(' '); // Simple Dropdown var autocompleteDropdownSimple = myApp.autocomplete ({ input: '#autocomplete-dropdown', openIn: 'dropdown', source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); } }); // Dropdown with input expand var autocompleteDropdownExpand = myApp.autocomplete ({ input: '#autocomplete-dropdown-expand', openIn: 'dropdown', expandInput: true, // expandInput used as item-input in List View will be expanded to full screen wide //during dropdown source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // Find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); } }); // Dropdown with all values var autocompleteDropdownAll = myApp.autocomplete ({ input: '#autocomplete-dropdown-all', openIn: 'dropdown', source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); } }); // Dropdown with placeholder var autocompleteDropdownPlaceholder = myApp.autocomplete ({ input: '#autocomplete-dropdown-placeholder', openIn: 'dropdown', dropdownPlaceholderText: 'Type as "India"', source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); } }); // Simple Standalone var autocompleteStandaloneSimple = myApp.autocomplete ({ openIn: 'page', //open in page opener: $$('#autocomplete-standalone'), //link that opens autocomplete backOnSelect: true, //go back after we select something source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); }, onChange: function (autocomplete, value) { // Here add the item text value to item-after $$('#autocomplete-standalone').find('.item-after').text(value[0]); // You can add item value to input value $$('#autocomplete-standalone').find('input').val(value[0]); } }); // Standalone Popup var autocompleteStandalonePopup = myApp.autocomplete ({ openIn: 'popup', // Opens the Autocomplete in page opener: $$('#autocomplete-standalone-popup'), // It will open standalone autocomplete popup backOnSelect: true, //After selecting item, then go back to page source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); }, onChange: function (autocomplete, value) { // Here add the item text value to item-after $$('#autocomplete-standalone-popup').find('.item-after').text(value[0]); // You can add item value to input value $$('#autocomplete-standalone-popup').find('input').val(value[0]); } }); // Multiple Standalone var autocompleteStandaloneMultiple = myApp.autocomplete ({ openIn: 'page', //Opens the Autocomplete in page opener: $$('#autocomplete-standalone-multiple'), //link that opens autocomplete multiple: true, //Allow multiple values source: function (autocomplete, query, render) { var results = []; if (query.length === 0) { render(results); return; } // You can find matched items for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { if (countries[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0) results.push(countries[i]); } // Display the items by passing array with result items render(results); }, onChange: function (autocomplete, value) { // Here add the item text value to item-after $$('#autocomplete-standalone-multiple').find('.item-after').text(value.join(', ')); // You can add item value to input value $$('#autocomplete-standalone-multiple').find('input').val(value.join(', ')); } }); </script> </body> </html>
Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −
Save the above given HTML code as autocomplete.html file in your server root folder.
Open this HTML file as http://localhost/autocomplete.html and the output is displayed as shown below.
The example provides autocomplete of values in simple dropdown, dropdown with all values, dropdown with placeholder, standalone autocomplete etc.