Customer Service - Attitude


When dealing with customers you should remember that first impression is the last impression. If the first time a customer interacts with you and is not satisfied, you will not get a second chance. You might have lost the company a customer. To ensure you are first time lucky every time, you need to embrace the correct attitude.

A customer service associate may interact with a customer in these ways −

  • Through internet/e-mail
  • Via telephone
  • Face to face

Whatever the mode of interaction, the associate must display a positive attitude to the customer. Let us discuss some steps that can be taken to impress and connect with the customer.

Appearance Matters!

Good appearance, comprising the clothes you wear, your voice, smile on your face, sitting or standing posture, etc., makes one more confident. And when you sound or look confident you have better chances of impressing and influencing a customer.

Appearance Matters

If you regularly have customers walking to your desk, you should keep your work desk uncluttered and always dress up smartly. If you give a feeling of being unclean and unorganized to your customers, they will find it difficult to believe that you are capable of solving their problems. Even if the two are completely unrelated.

If you interact with your customers via mail or voice call, you will feel more confident and hence be able to impress them as a consummate professional. Even if the customer cannot see you, he will be more willing to take your words at face value.

Wear a Smile, Always

Smile increases not only your face value but the quality of your voice too. Here is a small exercise for you. Speak the same sentence with and without a smile and note the difference. Smiling makes your voice sound happy, which will make you more popular among your customers.

If the customer walks up to you, always smile and talk. The person who approached will feel more welcome and more forthcoming on his problems.

Wear Smile, Always

Even if you deal with customer problems through mails or telephone calls, make it a point to keep smiling always, whether you are replying to a mail or talking with a customer.

Stay Positive and Energized

Handling different customers day in and day out can be a monotonous as well as frustrating experience. Never let that show in your dealings. Be it writing a mail, talking through phone, or discussing in person, you should always radiate energy and feel positive.

Here are some tips to stay positive and energized −

  • Take regular breaks to stretch your legs as well as boost blood circulation.

  • If you are continuously in front of the monitor, let your eyes take a break every 5- 10 minutes.

  • Eat healthy snacks to prevent fatigue from setting in

Customers engage better with people who exude confidence and positive vibes. And an engaged customer is a loyal customer.
