Strictly Quasiconvex Function


Let $f:S\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ and S be a non-empty convex set in $\mathbb{R}^n$ then f is said to be strictly quasicovex function if for each $x_1,x_2 \in S$ with $f\left ( x_1 \right ) \neq f\left ( x_2 \right )$, we have $f\left ( \lambda x_1+\left ( 1-\lambda \right )x_2 \right )< max \:\left \{ f\left ( x_1 \right ),f\left ( x_2 \right ) \right \}$


  • Every strictly quasiconvex function is strictly convex.
  • Strictly quasiconvex function does not imply quasiconvexity.
  • Strictly quasiconvex function may not be strongly quasiconvex.
  • Pseudoconvex function is a strictly quasiconvex function.


Let $f:S\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ be strictly quasiconvex function and S be a non-empty convex set in $\mathbb{R}^n$.Consider the problem: $min \:f\left ( x \right ), x \in S$. If $\hat{x}$ is local optimal solution, then $\bar{x}$ is global optimal solution.


Let there exists $ \bar{x} \in S$ such that $f\left ( \bar{x}\right )\leq f \left ( \hat{x}\right )$

Since $\bar{x},\hat{x} \in S$ and S is convex set, therefore,

$$\lambda \bar{x}+\left ( 1-\lambda \right )\hat{x}\in S, \forall \lambda \in \left ( 0,1 \right )$$

Since $\hat{x}$ is local minima, $f\left ( \hat{x} \right ) \leq f\left ( \lambda \bar{x}+\left ( 1-\lambda \right )\hat{x} \right ), \forall \lambda \in \left ( 0,\delta \right )$

Since f is strictly quasiconvex.

$$f\left ( \lambda \bar{x}+\left ( 1-\lambda \right )\hat{x} \right )< max \left \{ f\left ( \hat{x} \right ),f\left ( \bar{x} \right ) \right \}=f\left ( \hat{x} \right )$$

Hence, it is contradiction.

Strictly quasiconcave function

Let $f:S\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ and S be a non-empty convex set in $\mathbb{R}^n$, then f is saud to be strictly quasicovex function if for each $x_1,x_2 \in S$ with $f\left (x_1\right )\neq f\left (x_2\right )$, we have

$$f\left (\lambda x_1+\left (1-\lambda\right )x_2\right )> min \left \{ f \left (x_1\right ),f\left (x_2\right )\right \}$$.


  • $f\left (x\right )=x^2-2$

    It is a strictly quasiconvex function because if we take any two points $x_1,x_2$ in the domain that satisfy the constraints in the definition $f\left (\lambda x_1+\left (1- \lambda\right )x_2\right )< max \left \{ f \left (x_1\right ),f\left (x_2\right )\right \}$ As the function is decreasing in the negative x-axis and it is increasing in the positive x-axis (since it is a parabola).

  • $f\left (x\right )=-x^2$

    It is not a strictly quasiconvex function because if we take take $x_1=1$ and $x_2=-1$ and $\lambda=0.5$, then $f\left (x_1\right )=-1=f\left (x_2\right )$ but $f\left (\lambda x_1+\left (1- \lambda\right )x_2\right )=0$ Therefore it does not satisfy the conditions stated in the definition. But it is a quasiconcave function because if we take any two points in the domain that satisfy the constraints in the definition $f\left ( \lambda x_1+\left (1-\lambda\right )x_2\right )> min \left \{ f \left (x_1\right ),f\left (x_2\right )\right \}$. As the function is increasing in the negative x-axis and it is decreasing in the positive x-axis.
