Computer Concepts - Spread Sheet


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application which is used to create and manage lists of information. Excel allows to enter, edit, manage and analyze large amount of data in a worksheet and create colorful charts and graphs. It uses formulae to calculate and analyze data. It helps to combine a series of commands using "Macros", thus saving time. At higher levels, you can use it as a complete development tool catering to many complex requirements.

Sr.No. Spread Sheet Concepts & Description
1 Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet

The topics explaining the entire concepts related to spread sheet in detail, i.e., Elements of an electronic spread sheet, manipulation of cells, functions and charts.

2 Manipulation of Cells

Manipulation of cells is entering and modifying the contents of the cells.

3 Creating Text, Number and Date Series

Here, we will look into how to create text series, how to create number series and how to create data series

4 Editing Worksheet Data

Modifying or adding text or using cut, copy, paste operations to an existing document is known as editing.

5 Function and Charts

We shall learn how to use functions and charts in Microsoft Excel Using Formulas like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division

6 Chart

A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data. Charts can make data interesting, attractive and easy to read and evaluate. They can also help you to analyze and compare data.

Example Program

We shall discuss an example to understand this concept −


To prepare a bar chart.


  • Click Start → All programs → MS-Office → MS-Excel.

  • Insert a table in the worksheet.

  • Select Insert → Chart icon.

  • Select column option from chart type.

  • In the title bar, Click on chart title box and type, population of metropolitan cities.


The given database is created in excel worksheet using the bar chart.


This topic had given detailed description about the concepts of opening new and existing worksheets, renaming the work sheet, organizing spread sheet, printing spread sheet, saving workbooks, manipulation of cells, entering text, numbers and dates, creating text, number and date series, editing worksheet data, inserting and deleting rows & columns, changing cell height and width, using formulas, and creating a chart. This chapter also focused on cell address, numbers and text, title bar, menu bar, formula bar, and functions & charts.
