The mutual communication that takes place between two or more systems is known as intercommunication.
The important benefits of intercommunication are as follows −
We do not need to replicate the data on all the systems.
Users need not hold connections to multiple systems for accessing the data stored on them.
It improves the performance of the application.
One must have a knowledge of basic terminologies used in the CICS system. Following are the basic terms −
A local system is a system that initiates a request for intercommunication.
A local resource is a resource that lies on the local system.
A remote system is a system that is initiated as a result of an intercommunication request.
A remote resource is a resource that lies on the remote system.
MVS Sysplex is a configuration of multiple MVS operating systems. They work as a single system by sharing functions and programs.
CICSPlex is commonly described as a set of interconnected CICS regions that process customer workload. A CICSPlex is a set of interconnected CICS regions that own Terminals, Applications, Resources, etc.
There are two ways in which CICS can communicate with other systems −
MRO − Multi Region Operation is used when two CICS regions within the same MVSPLEX needs to communicate with each other.
ISC − Inter System Communication is used when a CICS region in a LOCAL server has to communicate with a CICS region in the REMOTE server.