AWK - Operators


Like other programming languages, AWK also provides a large set of operators. This chapter explains AWK operators with suitable examples.

S.No. Operators & Description
1 Arithmetic Operators

AWK supports the following arithmetic operators.

2 Increment and Decrement Operators

AWK supports the following increment and decrement operators.

3 Assignment Operators

AWK supports the following assignment operators.

4 Relational Operators

AWK supports the following relational operators.

5 Logical Operators

AWK supports the following logical operators.

6 Ternary Operator

We can easily implement a condition expression using ternary operator.

7 Unary Operators

AWK supports the following unary operators.

8 Exponential Operators

There are two formats of exponential operators.

9 String Concatenation Operator

Space is a string concatenation operator that merges two strings.

10 Array Membership Operator

It is represented by in. It is used while accessing array elements.

11 Regular Expression Operators

This example explains the two forms of regular expressions operators.
