Angular Google Charts - Quick Guide


Angular Google Charts - Overview

Google Charts is a pure JavaScript based charting library meant to enhance web applications by adding interactive charting capability. It supports a wide range of charts. Charts are drawn using SVG in standard browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer(IE). In legacy IE 6, VML is used to draw the graphics.

angular-google-charts is a open source angular based wrapper for Google Charts to provides an elegant and feature rich Google Charts visualizations within an Angular application and can be used along with Angular components seamlessly. There are chapters discussing all the basic components of Google Charts with suitable examples within a Angular application.


Following are the salient features of Google Charts library.

  • Compatability − Works seemlessly on all major browsers and mobile platforms like android and iOS.

  • Multitouch Support − Supports multitouch on touch screen based platforms like android and iOS. Ideal for iPhone/iPad and android based smart phones/ tablets.

  • Free to Use − Open source and is free to use for non-commercial purpose.

  • Lightweight − loader.js core library, is extremely lightweight library.

  • Simple Configurations − Uses json to define various configuration of the charts and very easy to learn and use.

  • Dynamic − Allows to modify chart even after chart generation.

  • Multiple axes − Not restricted to x, y axis. Supports multiple axis on the charts.

  • Configurable tooltips − Tooltip comes when a user hover over any point on a charts. googlecharts provides tooltip inbuilt formatter or callback formatter to control the tooltip programmatically.

  • DateTime support − Handle date time specially. Provides numerous inbuilt controls over date wise categories.

  • Print − Print chart using web page.

  • External data − Supports loading data dynamically from server. Provides control over data using callback functions.

  • Text Rotation − Supports rotation of labels in any direction.

Supported Chart Types

Google Charts library provides following types of charts:

Sr.No. Chart Type / Description

Line Charts

Used to draw line/spline based charts.


Area Charts

Used to draw area wise charts.


Pie Charts

Used to draw pie charts.


Sankey Charts, Scatter Charts, Stepped area charts, Table, Timelines, TreeMap, Trendlines

Used to draw scattered charts.


Bubble Charts

Used to draw bubble based charts.


Dynamic Charts

Used to draw dynamic charts where user can modify charts.



Used to draw combinations of variety of charts.


3D Charts

Used to draw 3D charts.


Angular Gauges

Used to draw speedometer type charts.


Heat Maps

Used to draw heat maps.


Tree Maps

Used to draw tree maps.

In next chapters, we're going to discuss each type of above mentioned charts in details with examples.


Google Charts is open source and is free to use. Follow the link − Terms of Service.

Angular Google Charts - Environment Setup

This tutorial will guide you on how to prepare a development environment to start your work with Google Charts and Angular Framework. In this chapter, we will discuss the Environment Setup required for Angular 6. To install Angular 6, we require the following −

  • Nodejs
  • Npm
  • Angular CLI
  • IDE for writing your code

Nodejs has to be greater than 8.11 and npm has to be greater than 5.6.


To check if nodejs is installed on your system, type node -v in the terminal. This will help you see the version of nodejs currently installed on your system.

C:\>node -v

If it does not print anything, install nodejs on your system. To install nodejs, go the homepage of nodejs and install the package based on your OS.

Based on your OS, install the required package. Once nodejs is installed, npm will also get installed along with it. To check if npm is installed or not, type npm -v in the terminal. It should display the version of the npm.

C:\>npm -v

Angular 6 installations are very simple with the help of angular CLI. Visit the homepage of angular to get the reference of the command.

Angular CLI

Type npm install -g @angular/cli, to install angular cli on your system.

Install Angular CLI

You will get the above installation in your terminal, once Angular CLI is installed. You can use any IDE of your choice, i.e., WebStorm, Atom, Visual Studio Code, etc.

Install Google Charts Wrapper

Run the following command to install Google Charts Wrapper module in the project created.

googleChartsApp> npm angular-google-charts

+ angular-google-charts@0.1.0
added 2 packages in 20.526s

Add the following entry in app.module.ts file

import { GoogleChartsModule } from 'angular-google-charts';

imports: [

Angular Google Charts - Configuration Syntax

In this chapter, we will showcase the configuration required to draw a chart using the Google Chart API in Angular.

Step 1 - Create Angular Application

Follow the following steps to update the Angular application we created in Angular 6 - Project Setup chapter −

Step Description
1 Create a project with a name googleChartsApp as explained in the Angular 6 - Project Setup chapter.
2 Modify app.module.ts, app.component.ts and app.component.html as explained below. Keep rest of the files unchanged.
3 Compile and run the application to verify the result of the implemented logic.

Following is the content of the modified module descriptor app.module.ts.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { GoogleChartsModule } from 'angular-google-charts';
   declarations: [
   imports: [
   providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Following is the content of the modified HTML host file app.component.html.

<google-chart #chart

We'll see the updated app.component.ts in the end after understanding configurations.

Step 2 - Use Configurations

Set Title

title = 'Browser market shares at a specific website, 2014';

Set Chart Type



Configure the data to be displayed on the chart.

data = [
   ['Firefox', 45.0],
   ['IE', 26.8],
   ['Chrome', 12.8],
   ['Safari', 8.5],
   ['Opera', 6.2],
   ['Others', 0.7] 

column names

Configure the column names to be displayed.

columnNames = ['Browser', 'Percentage'];


Configure the other options.

options = {
   colors: ['#e0440e', '#e6693e', '#ec8f6e', '#f3b49f', '#f6c7b6'], is3D: true


Consider the following example to further understand the Configuration Syntax −


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = 'Browser market shares at a specific website, 2014';
   type = 'PieChart';
   data = [
      ['Firefox', 45.0],
      ['IE', 26.8],
      ['Chrome', 12.8],
      ['Safari', 8.5],
      ['Opera', 6.2],
      ['Others', 0.7] 
   columnNames = ['Browser', 'Percentage'];
   options = {    
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

Basic Pie Chart

Angular Google Charts - Area Charts

Area charts are used to draw area based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of area based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Area

Basic area chart

2 Area with negative values

Area chart having negative values.

3 Stacked area

Chart having areas stacked over one another.

4 Area with missing points

Chart with missing points in the data.

Angular Google Charts - Bar Charts

Bar charts are used to draw bar based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of bar based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Bar

Basic bar chart

2 Grouped Bar Chart

Grouped Bar chart.

3 Stacked Bar

Bar chart having bar stacked over one another.

4 Negative Bar

Bar chart with negative stack.

Angular Google Charts - Bubble Charts

Bubble charts are used to draw bubble based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of bubble based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Bubble

Basic bubble chart.

2 Bubble chart with data labels

Bubble chart with data labels.

Angular Google Charts - Candlestick Charts

Candlestick charts are used to show opening and closing value over a value variance and are normally used to represent stocks. In this section we're going to discuss following types of candlestick based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Candlestick

Basic Candlestick chart.

2 Candlestick with customized colors

Customized Candlestick Chart.

Angular Google Charts - Column Charts

Colummn charts are used to draw colummn based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of colummn based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Column

Basic colummn chart

2 Grouped Column Chart

Grouped Colummn chart.

3 Stacked Column

Colummn chart having colummn stacked over one another.

4 Negative Stacked Column

Colummn chart with negative stack.

Angular Google Charts - Combination Chart

Combination chart helps in rendering each series as a different marker type from the following list: line, area, bars, candlesticks, and stepped area. To assign a default marker type for series, use the seriesType property. Series property is to be used to specify properties of each series individually. Following is an example of a Column Chart showing differences.

We have already seen the configurations used to draw a chart in Google Charts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, let us see an example of a Column Chart showing differences.


We've used ComboChart class to show a Combination Chart.




import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = 'Fruits distribution';
   type = 'ComboChart';
   data = [
      ["Apples", 3, 2, 2.5],
      ["Oranges",2, 3, 2.5],
      ["Pears", 1, 5, 3],
      ["Bananas", 3, 9, 6],
      ["Plums", 4, 2, 3]
   columnNames = ['Fruits', 'Jane','Jone','Average'];
   options = {   
      hAxis: {
         title: 'Person'
         title: 'Fruits'
      seriesType: 'bars',
      series: {2: {type: 'line'}}
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

Combination Column Chart

Angular Google Charts - Histogram Charts

A histogram is a chart that groups numeric data into buckets, displaying the buckets as segmented columns. They're used to depict the distribution of a dataset as how often values fall into ranges. Google Charts automatically chooses the number of buckets for you. All buckets are equal width and have a height proportional to the number of data points in the bucket. Histograms are similar to column charts in other aspects. In this section we're going to discuss following types of histogram based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Histogram

Basic Histogram chart.

2 Controlling Color

Customized Color of Histrogram Chart.

3 Controlling Buckets

Customized Buckets of Histrogram Chart.

4 Multiple Series

Histrogram Chart having multiple series.

Angular Google Charts - Line Charts

Line charts are used to draw line based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of line based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic line

Basic line chart.

2 With visible points

Chart with visible data points.

3 Customizable background color

Chart with customized background color.

4 Customizable line color

Chart with customized line color.

5 Customizable axis and tick labels

Chart with customized axis and tick labels.

6 Crosshairs

Line charts showing crosshairs at data point on selection.

7 Customizable line style

Chart with customized line color.

8 Line Charts with curved lines

Chart with smooth curve lines.

Angular Google Charts - Map Charts

A Google Map Chart uses Google Maps API to display Map. Data values are displayed as markers on the map. Data values may be coordinates (lat-long pairs) or actual addresses. The map will be scaled accordingly so that it includes all the identified points.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Map

Basic Google Map.

2 Map using Latitude/Longitude

Map having locations specified using Latitude and Longitude.

Angular Google Charts - Organization Charts

Following is an example of a Organization Chart.

Organization chart helps in rendering a hierarchy of nodes, used to portray superior/subordinate relationships in an organization. For example, A family tree is a type of org chart. We have already seen the configurations used to draw a chart in Google Charts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, let us see an example of a Organization Chart.


We've used OrgChart class to show a Organization Chart.




import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = '';
   type = 'OrgChart';
   data = [
      [{v:'Mike', f:'Mike<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">President</div>'},
         '', 'The President'],
      [{v:'Jim', f:'Jim<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">Vice President</div>'},
         'Mike', 'VP'],
      ['Alice', 'Mike', ''],
      ['Bob', 'Jim', 'Bob Sponge'],
      ['Carol', 'Bob', '']
   columnNames = ["Name","Manager","Tooltip"];
   options = {   
      allowHtml: true
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

Organization Chart

Angular Google Charts - Pie Charts

Pie charts are used to draw pie based charts. In this section we're going to discuss following types of pie based charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Pie

Basic pie chart.

2 Donut Chart

Donut Chart.

3 3D Pie chart

3D Pie chart.

4 Pie chart with exploded slices

Pie chart with exploded slices.

Angular Google Charts - Sankey Charts

A sankey chart is a visualization tool and is used to depict a flow from one set of values to another. Connected objects are called nodes and the connections are called links. Sankeys are used to show a many-to-many mapping between two domains or multiple paths through a set of stages.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Sankey Chart

Basic Sankey Chart.

2 Multilevel Sankey Chart

Multilevel Sankey Chart.

3 Customizing Sankey Chart

Customized Sankey Chart.

Angular Google Charts - Scatter Chart

Following is an example of a Scatter Chart.

We have already seen the configurations used to draw a chart in Google Charts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, let us see an example of a Scatter Chart.


We've used ScatterChart class to show a Scatter chart.

type = 'ScatterChart';



import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = 'Age vs Weight';
   data = [
      [4, 5.5],
   columnNames = ['Age', 'Weight'];
   options = {   
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

Scatter Chart

Angular Google Charts - Stepped Charts

A stepped area chart is a step based area chart. We're going to discuss following types of stepped area charts.

Sr.No Chart Type / Description
1 Basic Stepped Chart

Basic Stepped Area Chart.

2 Stacked Stepped Chart

Stacked Stepped Area Chart.

Angular Google Charts - Table Charts

Table chart helps in rendering a table which can be sorted and paged. Table cells can be formatted using format strings, or by directly inserting HTML as cell values. Numeric values are right-aligned by default; boolean values are displayed as check marks or cross marks. Users can select single rows either with the keyboard or the mouse. Column headers can be used for sorting. The header row remains fixed during scrolling. The table fires events corresponding to user interaction.

We have already seen the configurations used to draw a chart in Google Charts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, let us see an example of a Table Chart.


We've used Table class to show a Table chart.

type = 'Table';



import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = "";
   type = 'Table';
   data = [
      ['Mike',  {v: 10000, f: '$10,000'}, true],
      ['Jim',   {v:8000,   f: '$8,000'},  false],
      ['Alice', {v: 12500, f: '$12,500'}, true],
      ['Bob',   {v: 7000,  f: '$7,000'},  true]
   columnNames = ["Name", "Salary","Full Time Employee"];
   options = { 
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

Table Chart

Angular Google Charts - Tree Map

TreeMap is a visual representation of a data tree, where each node may have zero or more children, and one parent (except for the root). Each node is displayed as a rectangle, can be sized and colored according to values that we assign. Sizes and colors are valued relative to all other nodes in the graph. Following is an example of a treemap chart.

We have already seen the configurations used to draw a chart in Google Charts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, let us see an example of a TreeMap Chart.


We've used TreeMap class to show a TreeMap chart.

type = 'TreeMap';



import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
   title = '';
   data = [




   columnNames = ["Location", "Parent","Market trade volume (size)","Market increase/decrease (color)"];
   options = { 
   width = 550;
   height = 400;


Verify the result.

TreeMap Chart