Dealing with Illness and Job Lay-off


Dealing with Illness

In case an employee resigns due to his failing health, or is laid off due to his illness, the HR department keeps such information confidential, as everyone doesn’t need to know such sensitive details of a person. However, in case an employee is not so ill that he needs break from work, but just light work, then the employee should discuss his illness with the immediate supervisor, so that the supervisor can help in case the employee needs special accommodation, short working hours, more breaks, change in job environment, different short-term responsibilities, or urgent medical attention.

Dealing with Illness

Employees can also bring a letter from their doctor and make their supervisor understand what conditions they are in and what workload they will be comfortable with. Most companies provide employees with the option of work-from-home in such scenarios.

Taking care of your health is as important as your job. Taking some time off between shifts is totally natural if you are required to work in a stressful environment and under tight deadlines.

Short-or long-term disability insurance is provided by some employers. If you are ill or injured, then you can use this policy in taking days off against some percentage of pay. Details about these policies can be found on employee manual or in the Human Resource Department of your office.

The important point to remember is that while you are still in the recovery phase, you should spend some time with family, without putting any pressure on yourself. When you feel you are ready to go back to work, try working part time for some time until you feel that you are completely cured.

Dealing with Job Lay-off

In case you were terminated from your job or you had to resign, then you might face some difficulties in finding a new job straightaway. At this critical time, don’t feel lonely and think about all your skills and aims. You may also take the help of a counsellor.

It’s better to make a whole list of everything that makes you a good employee, starting from pointing down whether you are friendly, innovative, enthusiastic, determined, etc. You should also mention about all the good and bad life experiences you have been a part of and what things you learnt from them.

You should also note down your preferences in the work field like whether you like a calm environment or a happening one, whether you like being guided throughout or want to figure things on your own or you like doing simple or challenging complicated works.
