WML - Links


WML provides you an option to link various cards using links and then navigate through different cards.

There are two WML elements, <anchor> and <a>, which can be used to create WML links.

WML <anchor> Element:

The <anchor>...</anchor> tag pair is used to create an anchor link. It is used together with other WML elements called <go/>, <refresh> or <prev/>. These elements are called task elements and tell WAP browsers what to do when a user selects the anchor link

You can enclose Text or image along with a task tag inside <anchor>...</anchor> tag pair.

The <anchor> element supports the following attributes:

titlecdataDefines a text identifying the link
xml:langlanguage_codeSets the language used in the element
classclass dataSets a class name for the element.
idelement IDA unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <anchor> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<card title="Anchor Element">
      <go href="nextpage.wml"/>


This will produce the following result:

WAP Example 9

WML <a> Element:

The <a>...</a> tag pair can also be used to create an anchor link and always a preferred way of creating links.

You can enclose Text or image inside <a>...</a> tags.

The <a> element supports the following attributes:

hrefURLDefines URL of the liked page
titlecdataDefines a text identifying the link
xml:langlanguage_codeSets the language used in the element
classclass dataSets a class name for the element.
idelement IDA unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <a> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<card title="A Element">
<p> Link to Next Page: 
   <a href="nextpage.wml">Next Page</a>


This will produce the following result:

WAP Example 10