Watir - Proxies


Watir allows to use proxy with the help of proxy object which needs to be used with the browser.


proxy = {
   http: '',
   ssl: ''
b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, proxy: proxy

An example on how to use proxy with Chrome browser is shown below −


require "watir"
proxy = {
   http: '',
   ssl: ''
b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, proxy: proxy
b.goto 'google.com'
b.screenshot.save 'proxy.png'

We have used proxy object as shown below −

proxy = {
   http: '',
   ssl: ''

The proxy address details are to be used for both http and ssl. We can use proxy with chrome browser as shown below −

b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, proxy: proxy

The output proxy.png is shown below −

Output Proxy

An example on how to use proxy with Firefox browser is discussed below −


require "watir"
proxy = {
   http: '',
   ssl: ''
b = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, proxy: proxy
b.goto 'google.com'
b.screenshot.save 'proxyfirefox.png'

You can add the proxy details as shown below −

proxy = {
   http: '',
   ssl: ''
b = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, proxy: proxy

The output proxyfirefox.png is shown here −

Output Proxy
