WAP - Useful Resources


The following resources contain additional information on Wap. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Useful Links on WAP

  • WAP Forum - Official website of WAP Forum. Find all the latest news, inventions and standards available at this site.

  • WAP technical specifications − Latest technical specification of WAP technology.

  • WAP Gateway − Download WAP gateway from this site.

  • WAP phone vendors - Nokia − One of the best WAP Phone venodrs

  • WAP phone vendors - Ericsson − One of the best WAP Phone venodrs

  • GPRS @ Wikipedia − A very useful article on GPRS technology and further more links to useful sites.

  • GSM @ Wikipedia − A very useful article on GSM techinology and further more links to useful sites.

  • GSM Arena − A site providing comprehensive reviews, feedback, and prices of all the available GSM Mobile Models in the market.

Useful Books on WAP

  • WAP: A Beginner's Guide
  • WAP 2.0 Development
  • WAP, Bluetooth, and 3G Programming: Cracking the Code
  • WAP Integration: Professional Developer's Guide
  • WAP and WML: Designing Usable Mobile Sites
  • Professional WAP

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