Volleyball - Playing Environment


Volleyball is played in a rectangular court, divided into two equal halves across the length by a net tightly stretched between two poles, fixed at either sides of the court.

Court Design

A standard international volleyball court is an indoor, rectangular in shape whose sides are 18 meters and the ends are 9 meters. The surface of the court is neither slippery nor rough, to avoid injuries. International courts have wooden or synthetic flooring.

Court Design

The court is divided into two similar squares of 9 X 9 meters by a center line, one for each team. The court is further divided into the following zones −

Free zone − The playing surface is surrounded by a free zone up to 3 meters on all sides. The free zone in international courts is 5 m from the longer sides and 8 meter from the shorter sides.

Front zone − The front zone in each half extends from the center line to the attack line. It is drawn 3 meters away from the center line on both sides of the court.

Service zone − This zone is used for servicing the ball to the opponent court behind the end lines and has a width of 9 metres. The player has to be in the service zone while jumping or serving.

Substitution zone − The substitution zone lies between the scorer’s table and the attack line.

Libero replacement zone − The Libero replacement zone is a part of the free zone beside team benches and between the extended attack line and the end line.
