UML - Knowledge Test


This chapter list down simple questions on UML concepts you just have gone through this tutorial. Based on the given set of questions you can assess yourself to build a good confidence to become an UML expert:

  • Can a class diagram show the dynamic behaviour of a system?

  • Can deployment diagram be used for forward and reverse engineering?

  • Can it be used for forward and reverse engineering?

  • Can it represent parallel flow of activities?

  • Can we convert statechart diagram to activity diagram?

  • Can we use forward engineering in component diagram?

  • Can we use the use case diagram for forward and reverse engineering?

  • Describe the purpose of use case diagram?

  • How object oriented concepts are related to UML?

  • Is component diagram representing the dynamic view of a system?

  • Name major building blocks of UML?

  • Name some scenarios where object diagrams are used?

  • Name the three mechanisms in stereotype?

  • What are the artifacts of a deployment diagram?

  • What are the artifacts used to make a component diagram?

  • What are the different UML diagrams?

  • What are the different elements of a use case diagram?

  • What are the different modeling used in UML?

  • What are the elements of an object diagram?

  • What are the goals of UML?

  • What are the main usages of a deployment diagram?

  • What are the notations used in behavioural things?

  • What are the notations used in relationships?

  • What are the notations used in structural things?

  • What are the other four diagrams used in UML for capturing dynamic behaviour of a system?

  • What are the structural diagrams and behavioural diagrams?

  • What are the usages of sequence and collaboration diagram?

  • What do you mean by dynamic behaviour of a system?

  • What does an object diagram capture?

  • What is OO analysis?

  • What is OO design?

  • What is a Statechart diagram?

  • What is a class diagram?

  • What is a constraint rule?

  • What is a deployment diagram?

  • What is a node?

  • What is a reactive system?

  • What is a state?

  • What is a use case diagram?

  • What is an activity diagram?

  • What is an event and how it influences the states of an object?

  • What is an interaction diagram?

  • What is an object diagram?

  • What is collaboration diagram?

  • What is component diagram?

  • What is composition and aggregation?

  • What is difference between analysis and design?

  • What is generalization and when it is used?

  • What is meant by isomorphic?

  • What is responsibility of an object?

  • What is role of UML in OO analysis and design?

  • What is sequence diagram?

  • What is static and dynamic view of a system?

  • What is structural diagram?

  • What is the difference between a class diagram and an object diagram?

  • What is the difference between a flow chart and an activity diagram?

  • What is the difference between aggregation and composition?

  • What is the difference between sequence and collaboration diagram?

  • What is the interaction diagrams used in UML?

  • What is the main usage of a Statechart diagram?

  • What is the main usage of an activity diagram?

  • What is the only grouping thing available in UML?

  • Why conceptual model is important?

  • Why statechart diagram us used?
