TestLodge - Test Run Summary


The test run section displays test run execution progress at real time. It provides a test run summary for the overall project as well as individual test suite with test case result and progress. It displays the daily progress chart as well.

When you navigate to the Test Run section, it displays the latest summary of the Project in terms of Test Case passed, failed, skipped, or no run.

The following screenshot displays the Test Summary page. Details of the page are listed below.

Test Summary Page
  • The first section is Result for the past week.

  • On the right side of the screen, you can view <No. of test cases> No Run, <No. of test cases> Passed, <No. of test cases> Failed and <No. of test cases> Skipped. These details are derived from all test suites present at the project level.

  • On the left side of the screen, you can see different diagrams such as Pie-chart, Tabular, and Continuous Graph.

  • In the Pie-chart, it displays total number of test cases passed/failed/skipped/No run.

Similarly, you can view everyday progress in a tabular graph as shown in the following screenshot.

Everyday Progress in Tabular Graph

You can also view day-by-day progress using a continuous graph present below the Tabular graph.

Below the graph section on the left side of the screen, you can view the number of test runs that have not started yet and how many are assigned to the logged-in user.

On the right side of the screen, you can view how many test runs are in progress and in how many test runs the logged-in user is involved.

The following screenshot shows the Not Started and In-progress details of the test run −

In-progress Details

Individual Test Suite/Case Summary

You can view the status on individual test case in a Test suite.

Following are the steps to view the progress of individual test case:

Step 1 − Go to Test Run and click the Test suite present at the bottom of the page.

It will open the Test Suite − Overview page. There are two other sub-tab - Assigned users and Individual cases.

On the right side of the screen, you can see the number of test cases in No Run/Passed/failed/Skipped status, while on the right side you can see a Pie chart about the progress of the test suite.

Step 2 − Click the “Run tests assigned to you” button and you will be able to run all those test cases assigned to the logged-in user in the test suite.

The following screenshot displays the Test Suite − Overview page.

Individual Test Suite

Step 3 − Click the Assigned user sub-tab. You can view the number of test cases assigned to the logged-in user. You can view among the assigned test cases, how many are passed/failed/skipped.

Step 4 − Click the Run all remaining test cases/Run tests assigned to you button to run test cases.

The following screenshot displays the details of Assigned users section.

Assigned Users Section Details

Step 5 − Click the next tab − Individual cases. It displays all the test cases present in the test suite. There is an additional line below the name of each test case that shows Last Run Date, Last saved user name, Case Number, and Result as Pass/Fail/Skip.

The following screenshot displays Individual cases details.

Click Individual Cases

There is a link name as View test run stats. It displays all test instance results of a particular test case as shown in the following screenshot.

View Test Run Stats

Step 6 − Click the Calendar sign on the right side of the screen and select the timeline to see the status. Individual run results display all test instances and Result present during the chosen timeline.

Step 7 − Click View and it displays the details of the particular instance.

The following screenshot shows how to filter with dates.

Click View

Step 8 − Click the down arrow present on the right side of the screen. It displays all the details of the test case. You can see the actual comments and attachment added while executing the test case.

Test Case Details